new beginnings and catholic boarding schools

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"Can we start over?" - Imagine Dragons

Alyssa's POV

Ruth was running down the hallways towards me and George. Her curly hair was all over the place and she dropped her school bag while she was running, so she had to run back and get it, but she looked so excited.

When she finally stood next to us she tried to start talking but she was so out of breath that it took her some seconds.

"Aly!! You won't believe what I just heard!" She said excitedly.

"Spit it out!" I had no idea what she could have been talking about.

"Richard wasn't in Spanish class today and also not in Physics and then Tom told me that Richard changed schools." Ruth cheered.

My eyes grew wide and I looked at George. This couldn't be an accident, right? This must have been my dad's work. George just shrugged his shoulders, telling me that he didn't know as well, but he looked very relieved.

"What?" I said. "No way!"

"Yes way! The best part of it is that it's not just any school he was sent to, but a catholic boarding school for boys." There was a short silence before I snorted with laughter. This was hilarious. Absolutely incredible. This must have been my dad for sure.

"How does Tom know?" I asked, but I couldn't contain the victorious grin that was creeping on my face.

"Richard called him last night before he was sent off. He's also not allowed to use his phone there except for weekends. This is so hilarious." Ruth laughed and I agreed. This was amazing. "This must be horror for him."

I looked at George who had a satisfied grin smudged on his face. Yes George, I feel you.

"He deserves that so much." Ruth said.

"I agree." I told her and together we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

"Uhm Ruth." I said and grabbed her arm to keep her from walking away. "You haven't told me what has happened between Reece and you on New Year's eve yet."

Ruth immediately picked up her pace and walked faster. I gave George a look and we hurried after her.

"I'd like to know too. Reece hasn't said a word about it." George agreed.

Ruth stopped short. "He hasn't?"

"I can't remember that he has mentioned you." George admitted and Ruth just said "oh", looking a bit disappointed.

"Why 'oh'?" I shrieked. "What happened between the two of you?!"

"Shut up." Ruth hissed as she noticed that some students had turned around to us. "We hooked up, okay?"

"Define 'hooked up'." George said. Damn that boy could read my mind.

"Hooked up as in hooked up or hooked up?" I added. Ruth obviously felt uncomfortable, but I wouldn't spare her my asking.

"I don't know, hooked up as in hooked up, I think..." Ruth mumbled.

"You think? How can you not know?" I shrieked again and as some students turned around to us a second time, George held my mouth shut with his hand to remind me to not shriek the whole time.

"Because I was drunk!"


"Maybe Reece can't remember too and that's why he didn't mention it." George said and I hit him lightly with my flat hand. That wasn't very sensitive of him.

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