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"If I wasn't your daughter, I could've loved you better" - Lena

Alyssa's POV

Today was the day that George and I were going to get rid of Richard. I somehow felt bad for him because I knew it was going to destroy him, on the other side I was so happy and incredibly looking forward to it.

We were going to kick his ass.

Well, my dad was.

George went straight to my house after the first day of school in 2018. He wanted to support me when I would tell my dad about the Rich thing. I just prayed that my dad would do something about it, but he had the money and knew the right people, so I was very optimistic.

That kind of sounded like we were going to kill him.

Well, I didn't know if my dad was, but I doubted that.

At least, I hoped he wouldn't kill him.

"What are you thinking about?" George asked me and brought me back to reality. I hadn't noticed that I had zoned out.

"Just about how Richard is going to rot in hell." I said.

"You go girl." George grinned.

In that very moment I heard a car engine in the drive and I jumped up.

"It's my dad." I told George. He nodded and got up as well, then we went downstairs to see my dad.

Dad was glad to see George, I could tell by the expression on his face. I had never told my family that George had only been my fake boyfriend at first. Why would I? George was my real boyfriend now.

"Good to see you, George." Dad said and shook George's hand.

"Likewise." George said.

"Dad?" I asked and Dad looked at me. "Do you have a second? George and I need to talk to you about something important."

Dad looked surprised, but he put his briefcase down and followed us into the kitchen.

I took a deep breath as we sat down. I definitely felt uncomfortable with telling my dad, but I also wanted to get it over with.

"What is it?" Dad asked. He looked a bit nervous. Maybe because I never wanted to speak to him in private.

"Remember when the police called and said that Richard raped me?" I asked and grabbed George's hand under the kitchen table. He squeezed it to comfort me.

"How could I forget?" Dad asked.

Before I could change my mind, I just spit it out.

"It is true."

There was a dead silence for some seconds, then my dad sat up straighter, lifted his chin and cleared his throat.

"When did it happen?" He asked. Seriously? That was the first thing he asked.

"Last summer."

"Are you oka... how are you feeling?" Dad blinked. I could tell he was trying to not show any emotion, but I could see how he struggled to keep a straight face.

"I'm okay. Really. George is there for me and he really helps me a lot." I smiled at George. It's insane how much progress I had made. I could tell the truth without crying or feeling the urge to run away.

"I... I don't really know what to say." Dad admitted. In eighteen years I had never seen him speechless and I started thinking that maybe I mattered more to him than I had thought.

"It's okay, Dad." I smiled. "I just thought that we should keep the police out of it because of the drama and the press, but George and I think that Richard should be punished for what he did so maybe you could do something? Scare him or put a bit of pressure on him so that he won't lay hands on someone else again?"

"And what are you thinking of exactly?" Dad leaned in, telling me that he was willing to do everything.

I looked at George, asking for help.

"You have money and friends in higher places. You could talk to his parents, tell them what happened, threaten to go public and ruin his future. Who would employ him when the story of him raping his ex girlfriend is all over the news? You could make him change schools." I suggested and dad was silent for a minute, then he spoke.

"I never thought you had it in you, but you really sound like a Harper right now." Dad said proudly, then he gave George a look. "George, son, can I have a moment with my daughter in private?"

"Of course." George said and left the room. George hadn't said anything so far, but he was my mental support and now that he was leaving, I really felt alone.

As soon as George had closed the door behind him, my dad started to talk.

"Alyssa, are you really okay? Do you want to see a therapist? Do you want to talk to mum or your brother? I know that you open up to them more..."

"I'm okay, Dad." I said. "I promise."

"What took you so long to talk to us?" Dad asked and I wasn't quite sure, but it looked like he was hurt.

"Honestly? I needed time. I didn't tell anybody but Ruth and George and not because I wanted to, but because it had to be done. Same as this has to be done. If it was for me, I'd just forget." I said. "But I was also scared that you'd be mad at me for risking our reputation and for causing so much trouble and drama, I'm sorry."

"First of all, you didn't cause that, that bastard Richard did. Second of all, you are my daughter, I will always put you first." These were the kindest words my dad had ever said to me and I couldn't stop it, tears were welling up in my eyes. "I know that I sometimes tend to forget about showing it, but I love you so, so much."

"I love you too, Dad." I stood up and walked around the kitchen table and hugged my dad. I hadn't done that in a very long time and it felt weird, but also so incredibly good. It felt like coming home.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked after I had let go of my dad again and sat down next to him.

"Of course." Dad answered.

"Do you also love Mum?" I asked and Dad looked at the ceiling, thinking.

"That's hard to answer." He admitted. I have never had such an honest talk with my dad and I really liked it. "I do, I kind of do, but there's a lot of things between the two of us that are complicated and left unspoken. You're lucky that what you have with George is special, keep that."

"You're making me cry." I told my dad and wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye.

"Sorry, pumpkin."

"Are you and mum going to get a divorce?" I asked and dad shook his head.

"No we can't. Our business partners rely on our family."

"Maybe you should start seeing a therapist for marriage counselling then." I suggested and Dad nodded in agreement.

"I think that's a good place to start."

Author's Note


The story is coming to an end. I planned on writing one more chapter, and I have asked someone special  to guest-write the epilogue so that's gonna be exciting.

So now that the story is coming to an end, I want to ask you, who would you want to have another fanfiction about? George, Reece or Blake?



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