dinner party

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"Little black dress
Just walked into the room
Makin' heads turn
Can't stop looking at you" - One Direction

George's POV

I didn't have a suit that I thought was suitable for the occasion. I wanted to look good at this dinner party and I didn't even know why. I wanted to impress her parents but most of all I wanted to impress Alyssa.

Since Reece and Blake had gone home again and they couldn't come with me to counsel me so I had to take my mum shopping with me. She was a good adviser though.

I was way too nervous when Alyssa's driver picked me up in his shiny black Cadillac. The fact that he held the door for me didn't help my anxiety.

I didn't know what I was nervous about. Was it that I had never pretended to be someone's boyfriend or was it because I was spending more time with Alyssa than I was supposed to?

During the seemingly endless car ride I just sat silently in the back, biting my nails to cope with my nervousness. When the car finally stopped, the driver held the door for me and then led me to the great front door of Alyssa's mansion.

The driver led me inside and told me to sit on the couch in the great hall and wait for Alyssa to see me. As soon as I had sat down I started biting my nails again.

After a couple of minutes of waiting I heard high heels on the stairs and my head shot up. I caught a glimpse of a black dress so I stood up and straightened my suit. Then Alyssa stood in front of me.

I've never been so aware of someone's presence like in that moment. Alyssa was beautiful. She was wearing a simple black dress but the very low V-top-cut and the fact that the dress was backless was very dangerous. Dangerous because I didn't know whether I would be able to keep my hands off her. She wore her hair down and her make up was natural but she didn't need it because her face was flawless anyway.

"Hey." She whispered and I realised that I might have been staring at her for a little bit too long.

"Hey." I just whispered back and then I hugged her though I wasn't sure about the move but I just did it and her bare skin under my hands felt so damn good.

"That dress you wear... it's..." beautiful I wanted to say but different words slipped out of my mouth, "dangerous."

She started laughing but I could see her blushing though she was trying to cover it up. "Dangerous?"

"Yes, very dangerous. You look beautiful. Totally stunning." Before I could stop myself the words had left my mouth. Alyssa stared at me for a second, then her eyes started to sparkle and she gave me a bright smile.

"Thank you." She smiled. "You don't look bad yourself."

Alyssa linked arms with me and led me towards - what I supposed was - the dining room.

"The guests will arrive in 15 minutes. Our job is it to simply smile and shake hands and have small talk. We won't need to do anything." Alyssa explained to me. She stopped short. "And maybe... every now and then you should do something boyfriendish."

"Boyfriendish?" I questioned her made-up word though I knew exactly what she meant. I just wanted to know how far I could go.

Not saying that I'd take advantage of the situation and kiss her but I wouldn't complain about kissing her. She was fit.

"You know, hold my hand and be near me. It should be believable." She turned towards me and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. My fingertips tickled and I wanted to touch her hair. "But no kissing. I'm not like all the other guys say at school."

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now