Chapter 9: Birthday Surprises

Start from the beginning

“Sia, Kohei you’re the last to arrive other than the birthday boy himself,” Zuko said as a greeting.

“Sorry Zuko,” I said smiling at him.

“It’s fine at least you got here before Aang, but we better hurry if we want to be in the ballroom before him. I told Aang I wanted to talk to him about something at three and to meet me in the ballroom. Honestly I think Aang’s forgotten that today is even his birthday,” Zuko said laughing.

“Well he is busy with his Avatar duties not to mention that he’s already a teacher even though he’s still just a kid,” I said defending my brother.

“Please tell me that you haven’t fallen in love with Aang Zuko said taking me comment the wrong way making me laugh.

“Seriously Zuko Aang’s the last person on Earth I’d have romantic feelings for he’s more like a brother type figure to me,” I told Zuko breathlessly.

“Sorry don’t know why I’d ask that,” Zuko said with a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.

“The almighty Fire-Lord is actually blushing,” Kohei teased.

“I am not,” Zuko replied pouting.

“Auntie Sia is it weird that the man ruling an entire Nation is more of a kid then me,” Kohei staged whispered.

“I think so Kohei,” I whispered back

“I heard that,” Zuko said angrily but in a playful manner.

“You were meant to. Now let’s run Kohei before we’re late to Aang’s party,” I said.

Kohei and I rushed down the halls with Zuko on the tips of our heels with a frustrated expression on his face. I guess he thought that he’d at least be able to capture the four year old if he couldn’t capture the teenage girl. When Kohei and I burst through the ballroom doors crying from laughing so much everyone looked shocked.

“Sia what’s wrong?” Katara asked concerned.

“Zuko …. trying ….. to ……. capture …... us …… face ….. hilarious,” I said between the breath’s I had to take an the laughter.

“Sia, Kohei,” Zuko yelled just as we dove under the tables and motioned for Katara to stay quiet.

“What’s wrong Zuko?” Sokka asked from above.

“Sia and Kohei called me more of a kid than Kohei is,” Zuko said and I could just imagine him pouting afterwards.

“Aren’t you just proving them right by acting like this Zuko,” Katara asked giggling.

“Well I uh…” Zuko started to say.

“Quick turn of the lights and hide Aang’s coming,” someone called out as the lights turned off.

Deciding that I wanted an advantage over everyone I used airbending to hear people and earth to see where they were. Making sure no one was in my way I tip toed closer to the door, so that I’d be behind it when Aang came in. Of all the people here even if I couldn’t celebrate my birthday I wanted to at least be the first to say Happy Birthday to him. As his twin sister, even if no one knew that, it was still my right to say it to him first. Finally after what seemed like hours, but was only minutes Aang entered the room and I turned the lights on with my airbending and then…. “Surprise,” rang out from around the room.

“Happy Birthday Aang,” I said from beside him making him turn towards me startled.

“Sia don’t o that you nearly gave me a heart attack,” he said only half jokingly.

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