chapter eleven

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Shadestar awoke, the chilly leaf-fall air crawling through her pelt. Brr, it's cold! I need to find somewhere warmer. She stood, stretching her legs, when she remembered. Grey! Did he ever find me? Is he okay??

Shadestar swung her head around, searching for the now-familiar black and gray pelt. The ice-cold wind battered her muzzle and ears, making it hard to see or hear anything. I'll have to find him later. Maybe he found shelter overnight.

Narrowing her eyes and flattening her ears, she padded through the forest she had came through on the way in. Her paws became more cold with every step. She remembered what she used to tell the young apprentices on their first few leaf-bare days.

"If you can still feel the cold, you're not truly cold. If you start feeling warm while walking through frost, ice, or snow, then get straight back to camp. No cat likes cold, but frostbite stings worse in the end."

I have to find shelter.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a cave underneath of a big alder tree. The thought of it being a badger den instantly came to mind. Should I risk it?

Before she could react, a fox leapt out at her. Shadestar instantly bared her teeth. "No fox gets the best of me!" she hissed. She clawed the fox over the ears, but nothing was working. Everything she did only seemed to make it more angry.

Shadestar flattened her ears in fear and alarm. She's protecting her cubs!

The fox swiped at her muzzle furiously, then launched itself into the air. Shadestar crouched, waiting to be crushed by the large, russet lump.

Suddenly, she felt claws grasp her tail, then heard a loud thump! As the fox landed, head over tail, on the ground. It was back up in an instant, snarling at her and thrashing about. Shadestar unsheathed her claws, and padded slowly over to the fox burrow. She grasped a fox kit in her teeth, and set it down in front of the burrow. She found two more, and set them down until there were three fox cubs, sitting between her and the fox. Shadestar bared her teeth at the fox. Shadestar had never been a queen before, but being the leader of her Clan, she had seen how many she-cats act around their kits. Now she acted the same, except directed at the kits. Her eyes were blazing and her claws shone in the dim light.

She let out a furious hiss, then leapt. In that instant, the fox leapt forward and grasped her kits in her teeth, snarling at Shadestar all the more. Then the she-fox raced off, and Shadestar landed on the ground with a thud. She heaved herself up groggily, her head spinning. It was only then when she realized the fox burrow wasn't behind her anymore. 

she was lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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