chapter six

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Nothing? What does he mean, nothing? Of course it's something! He's just hiding it from me.

Shadestar sighed and looked at Grey, now dozing off. It had been a while since that moment, where he had been staring into the sunset, lost in his own thoughts. It was now dark outside, and the moon brightly lit the sky. A few stars sparkled overhead. Oh, StarClan. What do I do? I need to go back to camp, but something is making me stay here.

Just then, Grey roused. "Why are you still up? It's nearly moonhigh. We have a lot ahead of us, and we need our strength." Shadestar suddenly turned towards him. "What do you mean? I need to go back to my clanmates. They need me back at camp." Grey sat up and looked straight at her. "You know that's not true." Shadestar tensed. "What do you mean? I am their leader. Of course they need me."

He leaned closer to her. " I have been watching you for a long time. Think about it. Your Clanmates never ask you for anything and they manage just fine. Your destiny lies beyond the Clans, Shadestar. You know that."

Shadestar was about to claw his ears off when she got a thought she couldn't stop. You know, He has a point... Your restlessness, your energy, and your troubledness. Maybe you do have a different destiny.

Shadestar widened her eyes. "You... you're right.." she sat there for a long while before breaking down and crying. Grey sat right next to her and murmured, " Hey, stop that. It's going to be okay. I'll be right here with you."

Shadestar just looked up at him and blinked in confusion.

Grey licked his chest fur with embarrassment.

"Never mind. Let's just get some rest before tomorrow."

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