Chapter 2

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I stared at them with utmost shock, trying to push back my fear as the group surrounded any chance of escape. And without my keys, I doubt I'll be able to get away. What do they want? Why would they even break me out of that prison cell?

"Relax." The maroon-haired guy standing beside Jellal uttered, an annoyed look on his face. I don't recall his name, but I know he's that annoying poison dragon slayer who could hear thoughts.

"We're not here to hurt you, Lucy, or bring you in any form of danger, desu ne!" Hoteye, the big man with long curly orange hair who sided with us in Nirvana, exclaimed.


"What do you need this time?!" I cut Jellal off, giving him a glare that didn't seem to faze him. Although he's on the good side the last time I met him, he's still with these people who used me as a sacrifice.

"Nothing, really. Anyway, we are simply doing this to repent our sins."

"By causing another crime, which is breaking a criminal out of prison?" I lifted a brow, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut for a moment?!" The poison dragon slayer growled, his teeth gritted in annoyance.

Rolling my eyes, I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from talking. The cold wind passed by, causing my skin to crawl. I was only wearing the ragged and dirty dress from the prison, which doesn't even look much of a dress. Rubbing my hands against my cold arms, I turned to them one by one and waited for their explanation.

Midnight, I think was his name, sighed before looking at me with a bored expression. "The point is, we feel guilty being the reasons you were put into prison. So uh, we broke you out."

Really, them, guilty? That's just hard to believe. But considering how long it's been, I guess that's possible. But then again, I can't just trust their words.

I forced a scowl, "I'd rather stay in prison than be with people who tried to sacrifice my life."

Gemini's former master glared at me, placing her hands on her hips. "We risked our lives to save you and that's how you thank us? How--"

"Angel." Midnight cut her off. After rolling her eyes, she took a deep breath and sighed.

"Look, we know sorry isn't enough, but I'm sorry. Just consider this as our way of repenting our sins to you." Sincerity was evident in her eyes, and I knew her words weren't empty.

Being the forgiving person I am, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to relax myself. Everyone deserves chances, they aren't exceptions. They were just victims, too. And being with Jellal might mean he brought them to his side. I guess.

"Fine." I sighed, turning my gaze away. "You're forgiven." If that's all they want, it's not that hard to give it to them. I'm not the type to hold grudges, anyway. Even when they tricked me, sacrificed me and intentionally killing me, even when they were the reasons I was sent to prison, they deserve forgiveness. AS IF! No matter how I open my mind, my heart just won't accept those words of them.

"You don't mean that."

My gaze fell to the poison dragon slayer when he spoke. Oh, right. I almost forgot he could hear my thoughts. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned my back from them. They broke me out, fine. That should be enough to remove their guilts.

As I started to walk away, the fast guy appeared in front of me, blocking my path. At the same time, I felt a hand on my shoulder. My forehead creased as I turned to Jellal.

"Sorry, we can't just let you go. The council's still hunting for you, and it's not like you can live a normal life after this." He stated.

I closed my eyes shut and massaged my temple. Right, I'm an escaped criminal. So basically, I'll have to live a life where I'm hiding from people? If they'd let me stay in prison, I only had to spend some years there, they'll eventually let me go. Damn it, this is making my head ache.

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