Pacific Rim ➳ Newton Geizler

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Pairing: Newton Geizler x Reader
Setting: Wayyyy before the first movie, at the Los Angeles Shatterdome (I swear it is not made up, I used the wikia) and also in Vancouver (I have no idea of how the weather is there forgive me plz I just know it's cold as shit in Montreal so y'all pretend it's cold now)
Author: AikaKyomi
Notes: SOOOO... I saw Pacific Rim Uprising, and despite the movie being not that bad (I actually quite liked it for some parts), I am NOT happy with what they did to Newton. Really, I have mixed feelings about the whole movie honestly, but especially with that. Now, I'm no movie critics, and I want to avoid spoilers for those of you that have yet to see the movie, so I'm not going to explain further than that. So, as my own way to cope with my disappointment after a 5 years-long wait, I decided to write a one-shot that takes place before the first movie, and especially before... well everything else. So, enjoy!
Ps: Drift partner's name is Krystale and is not in the Pacific Rim canon whatsoever. I invented her. Also, a bunch of dialogue prompts were taken from Tumblr, because I'm normally not funny so I needed help with that. Plus, even though I usually remain pretty uptight towards the canon timeline, I didn'really do that here. You'll get it. 

Allie X That's so Us
'What I like about you baby is how you annoy me daily, but you still fucking amaze me'


"Hello, Earth to (Y/n)?" a voice broke you out of your drowsing, forcing you to focus your gaze in front of you where sat your best friend Newton, on the other side of the table, snapping his fingers two inches away from your face. "You're still with me?"
You exhaled sharply. "Unfortunately, yes." you grumbled. Upon many things, you hated being woken up.
He pouted, chuckling slightly. "Oh, don't be like that. You can't already be mad at me, it's only 8 AM."
"I was sleeping." you stated.
"No, you weren't. You were looking at the wall."
"Well, I was sleeping figuratively. Whatever that means."

He only replied with a laugh, to which you smiled faintly before taking a mouthful of the meal in front of you, still unsure what it was supposed to be. Couldn't be picky about food on a military base, even for you.

You had trained and worked for long years of your life to become a Jaeger pilot at the Pan Pacific Defense Corp, to which you enrolled in the year after the first Kaiju attacks, when the organization started to establish its foundations around the world. Despite not being directly affected by any of the collateral damage caused during the first years, you surely weren't going to sit and wait like everyone else for someone to save you. After a few years, you ended up in front of your first Kaiju alongside your drift partner, and managed to put the monster down in barely ten minutes, surprising everyone and especially yourself. Since them, you were incapable of walking twelve steps without being acclaimed or applauded, which was fun during the first week but was starting to get on your nerves.

So, why a famous, respectful Jaeger pilot like you was hanging out with Newton, the nerdy scientist completely obsessed with Kaijus? To be honest with yourself, even you didn't know. But he was funny, was able to reply to your smartass comments with an equally witty one, and didn't cheer each time you crossed his gaze like everyone else did. Basically, he was entertaining enough to hang out with.

"What were you even thinking about anyway?" he asked, while loudly spinning his metal fork around his plate, unsure of his own desire to eat the unidentified meal.
"Nothing." you affirmed. "I was justing dozing off."
Still causing a raucous with his fork, he chuckled. "That one's on yourself." he smirked. "You gotta stop texting me at 2 AM."
"I mean, you were replying and - oh my god, didn't your mom tell you not to play with food?" you sighed loudly in desperation. "Stop, that noise is annoying."
"Gee, someone's mad today." his witty grin made you even more exasperated.
"Doesn't help that I have training in like, 10 minutes. I wish they would delay it by an hour, or something like that."
"You can't delay the apocalypse right?"
You grumbled. "Yeah, right. Why can't the world just like, chill for one second?"

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