"You really watch anime, i assume?" He asked.

"Of course! What else i would do? I'm immortal so i have a lot of time~" You announced.

"Hmm.. What else would you do.. What about work?" He teased with playful smile on his lips. You rolled your eyes.

"No? Who does work nowadays, when you have Netflix and Wattpad?" You answered.

"Wattpad?" Canada asked.

"Oh.. um.. it's a place where you can write stories and fanfictions" you explained.

"Fanfictions?" He asked once again.

"They're like fan made stories based on some TV show or anime or book or something! For example this one!" You answered and he nodded in understatement.

"Oh, i think i understand" He stated and you smiled.

"Good!" You exclaimed and then turned to eat your food.


"And i'm supposed to wear this?! This is ridiculous!" England stated, as he had his cosplay already on. You all were now in your, Hungary's and Belarus' hotelroom, with your cosplays on, expected you didn't have yours on yet.

"Oh come on England! Pleaseeeeee! There will be others who cosplay too~! No one will look at you weirdly, and this will be forgotten after some time! No one will remember this!" You pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Right?" You looked at others, who quickly hided their phones, so they didn't take photos of England anymore, and furiously nodded.

"Good, that's what i thought too" You told and looked at England, who was thinking if he should embarass himself, and make you happy or not to and make you sad.

He gave up and rolled his eyes.

"Fine then! But if anyone takes photos i will personally end their lifes!" England shouted and placed his hands across his chest. You froze and quickly hid your phone also.

Then you hugged England.

"Thank you!" You thanked and smiled widely as buried your face into his chest.

He blushed lightly.

"N-no problem" He stuttered and you two separated.

Then you turned to look at others.

"Anyone else having a problems with their cosplays?" You asked.

"I'm looking awesome as always!" Prussia told.

"This makes me look ugly.." France pouted and you chuckled.

"Nah~ You're never ugly" you commented.

Then someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around, noticing that it was Romano.

"Hmm? Romano? What is it?" You asked and he was kind of blushing.

"I.. I can't get this damn straps on" He said and you chuckled.

"Yeah i know the pain, let me help you" You smiled and started to help Romano with the straps. You started from legs.

Geez these really are pain.

You thought.

"It's ready!" You chirped and he looked at you in suprise.

"How the fuck did you do it so fast?" He asked.

"I have one Aot cosplay at home also, so i have trained" you told smirking and he nodded. Then you looked at others.

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