"You don't have to."

"Yea. Your opinion is sucky. I want to Rose. Don't make me swim alone." He pouts. I smile. I pull my phone out and stick it in the grass. I drop my car keys next to my phone. I pull off my shoes and socks. I slowly walk into the water. I shiver at the coldness.

He laughs and grabs my hand pulling me in. The water surrounds me. My clothes getting heavy. My hair sticking to my face. I come up after a minute for air. Gus moves a hair from my face. I smile. Something in his face lightens. This is something you'd see in a movie. But here I am. In a perfect moment.

He splashes me. I laugh and splash him back. We swim around for awhile. I get out when I hear my phone ringing.
I check the ID. Bby💕.


Bby💕: where are you rosey.

Me: At the park.

Bby💕: wit Gustav?


Bby💕: My sister drove by and saw your car. And she saw Gus's motorcycle.


Bby💕: im on my way.

Me:im leaving now. I gotta go get something

Bby💕: I don't trust you.

Me: me? Ooh that helps. I hate this. You've never let me do anything on my own. You show up and you fixin to be single.

Bby💕: fine. But I will find out if y'all did anything.

Me: who said he was here?

Call ended.

I throw my phone down. Gus comes outta the water. He runs his hands through his hair. Moving the pink strands back. I wring my hair out and grab my stuff.

"Too bad it has to end." He says. I turn to him. His face inches from mine.

"Yea." I say. He smiles and grabs his phone from the grass. I didn't notice it was there till now. He turns on a song I don't recognize.
Loving you is like a fairytale. I just can't pick up the phone to care.

"Dance with me before you leave." He says holding his hand out. I take it and he pulls me close. His hands on my waist. My arms around his neck. We sway slowly.

The song finally finishes and he pulls me closer into a tight hug. I hug him tightly. After a moment we break apart and head to our rides.

"Rose? The first time you talked to me, your voice was stuck in my head. The first time you stuck up for me, my heart stopped. Then you come and dance with me on the second day. You are something different." He says. He grabs a hoodie hanging on his motorcycle bars and hands it to me. I put it on. I smell a tint of Axe cologne. I smile.

Its too big on me making me look fat. It reaches mid thigh. He smiles at the sight. I smile and hop into my car. I watch him as I pull out and head home.

All I can remember is coming home and falling into bed. I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains. I smile at my clock. 7:03. Just a few more minutes in bed will work.

I look down at Gus's hoodie. His pink hoodie. On the front is written HeartBreakArmy💔. I've heard of this before. There's a new rapper. He's 19. Trying to make a living. Lil Xan is his name.
I put the sleeve to my nose. The smell of cologne engulfing me. I love it. I stand up and look in the mirror. My eyes sparkling. My hair in little curls.

I turn on my flat iron and pull off Gus's hoodie. I take off the now dry clothes and put on some new clothes. I plug in my almost dead phone and flat iron my hair. My mom comes in sitting on the bed. Her hair in curls.

She sits in a robe crossing her legs. She looks at the hoodie on my pillow.

"Who's is this? It doesn't look like something Danny would wear." She says.

"Oh. Its a friends." I say. I start to braid my hair.

"Where did you go last night?"

"To the park for a walk. Why?"

"Honey, I've been wondering. Have you and Danny....umm... thought about marriage?" I gawk.

"Eww...no. Yuck." I feel my face flush.

"Then why date him if you don't see marriage? Maybe..."

"Mom! Eww."

"You already know I don't like or trust Danny. He seems to involved with himself."

"Not all the time."

"But he does pay more attention to sports. He doesn't text you very often anymore. What's going on?"

"Nothing is going on. Now excuse me. I have to get to school." I grab my keys leaving.

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