13: Disney Land p.1

Start from the beginning

"Uh..um okay..?" He said as he looked away. You fist pumped with America.

"Can we team up already?!" Romano asked and pouted. Germany just nodded.

"I'll team up with Spain!" France said as he moved closer to Spain.

"Prussia, Mi amigo, Do you want to come with us too?" Spain asked as he looked at the Prussian. Prussia smirked.

"Hell yeah!" He said as he walked next to his friends.

The Axis had already made a little three persons group.

"Iggy! You come with me!" America shouted and put his arm around England's shoulders.

"I told you not to call me that!" England raged but still agreed being with America.

"Can.. Can i come with you?" Canada asked and America flinched.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" He asked as England just nodded to Canada. You didn't know where you wanted to be.

"(C/N)~! Come with us!" Italy chirped at you and you smiled and shurgged.

Why not? You thought as you walked to the Axis.

Romano didn't know where to go.

"Damn it! I don't want to go with that idiot Spaniard, but not with that Potato bastard either!!" Romano yelled as he pouted.

"Mi amigo, come with us" Spain said to Romano who furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't like this at all.." He muttered as he walked closer the BTT.

You chuckled and looked at Hungary. "Hungary! Come with us?" You asked with a smile.

Hungary looked at your group and nodded. She came to you.

"Okay!" She said and you could see that she was excited.

"I'll come with you, da?" Russia asked and turned to look at America.

"A-alright" America stuttered.

Russia smiled.

"If he's coming with you, i'm coming too" Belarus stated, and when America was about to say something, she silenced him with her glare.

China looked around.

"Well it looks like i have to go with BTT.." He said as he slowly walked to them.

You clapped your hands.

"It's settled then! Let's meet here at 3.00pm!" You said cheerfully and turned to look at your group.

"Where do you want to go? Any wishes??" You asked smiling.

"Let's go to the Haunted Mansion!" Hungary said and you thought for a moment.

"I think that America and rest of his group went there.."

"What if.. we scare America?" Japan asked and your eyes lit up.

"That's.. Fantastic idea!" You said and smiled.

"And after that we can go to Autopia~!" Italy said with a smile and Japan paled a bit.

"Okay!" You responded.

"What about you, Germany and Japan? Do you have any wishes?" You asked, looking at them.

Both of them shook their head.

"Okay then let's go!" Hungary stated and grabbed your hand dragging you away, and you grabbed Italy's hand who grabbed Germany's.

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