Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)

Beginne am Anfang

"Ma'am, do you know your dress is ripped in the back?"

I nodded, laughing a little bit. I looked at it, it was ripped all the way to the rim of my panties.

My whole back was exposed.

I felt his cold hands touch my skin, where the dress was ripped. "Please take my jacket beautiful..."

I turned around, "well thank you but-."

He then was yanked back, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I heard my mates voice, deep and very serious.

"Just having a conversation with this beautiful woman." He said smiling and winking at me. I slightly smiled, this dude is crazy.

"Well this is My beautiful woman, and if you think I'm gonna let you enjoy the sight of her. You're very wrong! So either Piss off or you're gonna piss me off!"

He shoved him, throwing him on the floor.

"Dominick, calm down." I put my hand out to help the poor Blondie up.

"No, you're mine and I won't stand by while another man flatters you."

He hugged me," That's my job."

"Wait, you're Mr. Draven?" asked Blondie as he got up from the floor.

"Yes, and this is Mrs. Draven." He pressed me against his side.

"I'm so sorry sir! I didn't know, I thought the reservation was only until midnight so when I saw her I didn't think anything of it! Again I'm so sorry!" He left back into the kitchen.

Dominick laughed, "Why are you laughing?" I hit his chest playfully.

"Nothing, I just love referencing you as my wife without you correcting me!"

He took off his suit jacket, putting it over my shoulders.

"I'm not cold honey." I took it off, handing it to him.

He put it over my shoulders once again, "I know, but your dress is ripped in the back and almost your whole back is exposed. I don't like that others get to see my mate's skin!"

We walked to the car, I was dead tired. After 20 minutes of looking out the window, I felt an arm go under my thighs lifting me up.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Taking you to bed."

His grip tightened, my head laid on his chest.

After a couple minutes, I felt soft bed sheets under me. Then I felt warm hands on my ankles, my heels were slipped off.

"Thanks Sweetie." I whispered, sitting up slowly.

He sat next to me, "Want me to put on your Pajamas?"

I nodded, I stood up so he could help me get out of this dress.

After unzipping it he pulled it down my shoulder as it hit the floor I stepped out the dress, "I will send this to get fixed for you."

I nodded and flopped myself on the bed leaving me in black cheeksters and a strapless push up bra with sparkles on it.

I heard Dominick clear his throat, opening my eyes I see him facing the corner.

"Dominick, What are you doing?"

He turned around, "Calming myself down."

I got up, putting my hand on my hip. "From what?"

"You're not making this easy Sweetheart."

"You don't like?"

He turned around and walked toward me. Grabbing me by my hips,"I like anything on you! I just don't like that you're teasing me, that can get you in deep trouble."

I twirled around playfully, "You are asking for trouble!" He smiled, then tossing me his t-shirt.. "At least put this on..fuck."

I laughed, putting his shirt over my head. It was just above my knees.

Dominick was flipping through channels, "can we watch a scary movie?" I nodded, jumping in bed with him. Right when the movie started, I was already dozing off. He noticed, "We'll do movie night tomorrow."

I shook my head,"Yes, you're tired so we're going to bed." He said, while shutting off the T.V. and lights.

He hugged me, pulling me down to his chest.

I couldn't help but snuggle up to his chest, falling asleep.


Author's Note

I apologize, been very busy! Hope you guys like this part! Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!
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<3 Destiny

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt