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I woke up in Logan's arms he was still asleep I kissed him he kissed back but didn't open his eyes I pulled away and he opened he his eyes he smiled at me and said I love you I said I love me too he chuckled and said come on you know you love I said yes I do I love you and I always will no matter what he kissed my cheek and said so what does my beautiful girlfriend want to do today I said um I don't know he said there has to be something you want to do I said we can go ice skating he said that's to girly I chuckled and said no its not that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard he laughed and said something else I said we can watch a movie he said ok which one I was about to say something but I got interrupted by a knock on the door I got up and went to open it

Logan's pov

Abby stood up to open the front door she walked out the room I heard a scream and two gun shots I ran out Abby room and to the front door Abby was on the floor blood was coming out the front door was opened but nobody was there I kneeled down to Abby she was still breathing and her eyes were opened I quickly took my phone out and called 911 I hung up and put my hands over Abby's wounds blood started coming out her mouth I looked at her with tears in my eyes and said Abby listen to me your going to make it I'm not going to let you die I need you you're my rock without I'm nothing you have to make it your going to make it ok I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you she started closing her eyes more blood started coming out her mouth I said Abby please she softly and weakly said Logan I lov... she didn't finish her sentence her breathing slowed down and stopped before I could do anything paramedics ran in they put Abby on the bed and put but a oxygen mask on her and ran to the ambulance with her one of the paramedics asked if I was going in the ambulance with her I said yes and he said alright lets go he showed me were to sit and the ambulance drove off we got to the hospital really fast they quickly opened the doors and ran into the hospital with Abby they had gotten her to start breathing again I went after them a nurse stopped me and said sorry you cant go beyond this point have a seat and sign these papers since nobody else is here I need you to give us permission to give her a procedure I signed the papers and she said ok thank ill be right back and I need you to fill out the patients information right there at the front desk the lady right there will give you a paper and ill be right back I went to the front desk and asked for the sheet the lady gave it to me and I filled it out I called Abby's mom and told her what happened she said I'm on my way I could tell she was crying over the phone I hung up my phone started ringing it was my mom I answered and she said Logan where are you your father and I are back home our trip got cut short I said I'm at the hospital mom she said what why what's wrong I told her what happened and she said what hospital are you in I told her and she hung up. about 30 minutes later my mom and dad walked in Abby's mom and dad still weren't here my mom looked at me and said how is she I said I don't know the nurse hasn't told me anything my dad said I'm going to go ask ill be right back I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and I hated it my mom wiped my tears away and hugged me I hugged her back I put my face on her shoulder she rubbed my back and said every thing's going to be ok I promise you she's a very strong girl she's going to survive this and before you know it she's going to be back home I hugged her tighter and said but what if its not ok what if she dies mom its not just one its two bullets in her stomach many people have died over one the nurse said it would be a miracle if she survived mom if she dies ill die too because I cant live without her mom I need her she's my rock she said Logan she's going to make it one way or another.

*****four hours later*****

Abby's parents and mine were sitting in the waiting room it was really awkward I was just walking back and fourth Abby's mom said Logan sit down try to calm down I said I'm fine I just want some news from her Abby's dad said this is all your fault if my daughter dies ill put you in jail I knew the moment I met you that you were going to be a problem if my daughter makes it im going o put a restraining order on you and I'm going to send her far away from here so that she never sees you again my dad said THAT'S ENOUGH I have had it with you always insulting my family you cant put a restraining order on my son because he's done nothing wrong it was not his fault your daughter got shot and if you dare put any charges against my son ill bury you in jail. my mom calmed my dad down my dad was furious I've never seen him this mad except for the time I broke his car and the time I almost got expelled from school and the time I had a party without his permission and the time I almost set the house on fire maybe I should stop now but yea it takes a lot to get my dad mad Abby's dad didn't say a word after that a doctor came over to us and said um Logan Valdent I looked at him and said the we were able to save her she's in the recovery room right now she's still sleeping after she wakes up well be able to determine how she's doing and if there's anything wrong or unusual I smiled and said can I see her before the doctor could reply Abby's dad interrupted him and said no you cant see her she's my daughter the doctor said sorry if her parents don't let you see her than you cant go I'm sorry her dad smirked at me and said doctor me and my wife would like to see our daughter the doctor said of course um right this way the doctor left with Abby's parents my mom walked over to me and said Logan honey are you alright I said no no no I'm not ok why does he hate me so damn much what the fuck did I do to make him hate me my mom said watch your mouth I am still your mother but I don't know I guess its just she's his little girl we sat down and my mom said we should leave I said you guys can go I'm not leaving until I see her my mom sighed and said alright me and your father will be back later ok I nodded and they left Abby's brother Alex walked in and greeted me he asked where his mom and dad were and I said there in the room with Abby he said oh and um why aren't you there with her too I said you're your dad said I wasn't aloud to see her so the doctor doesn't let me go in Alex started laughing I said what so funny in an annoyed tone he said my dad he just tries so damn hard to separate you too but he needs to understand that nothing he does is going to separate you guys and don't worry my dad is going to leave pretty soon he has to work once he leaves ill find a way to get you in without the doctors noticing I said are you serious he said yea why not I thanked him he said alright I'm going to go see Abby I nodded and he left I took my phone out and checked what time it was it was 4:30pm I put my phone away I saw Blake walk in I stood up and walked over to him and said what the fuck are you doing here he looked at me and said relax Valdent Abby's dad asked me to come I felt my blood boiling Abby's dad walked over to Blake and said me and my wife have to leave now can you please stay with Abby and make sure she's ok she's still sleeping ms.brooks was looking at me she looked really upset a tear rolled down her cheek I saw pure pain in her eyes mr.brooks said goodbye to Blake and him and Abby's mom left, Blake looked at me and said I'm going to see Abby now bye he walked to the front desk Alex walked over to me and said ok this is it ill distract him you go ok she's in room 380 good luck I nodded he walked over to Blake and they started talking I walked past them and went to the room Abby was in I opened the door and walked in she was laying on the bed asleep I walked over to her she looked really pale I touched her hand it was really cold I gently kissed her cheek she opened her eyes she looked at me confused and said what are you doing here I said what do you mean she groaned and said I mean why the fuck are you here she pulled her hand out of mine and said Abby its me Logan your boyfriend she laughed sarcastically and said no your not I hate you my boyfriend is Blake why would I ever date you now get out before I call a nurse I said Abby I'm your boyfriend I gave you a promise ring remember she said your not my boyfriend now leave Alex and Blake walked in Abby looked at Blake and said Blake love can you please tell this guy that he isn't my boyfriend and you are Blake looked at Abby confused and said what I said she think you're her boyfriend not me a nurse walked in and said um I'm here to check on the patient Alex said um alright Abby said um why am I here the nurse said you were shot two times earlier today luckily you made it I interrupted the nurse and said she doesn't remember that I'm her boyfriend she thinks he's her boyfriend Abby said that's because he is my boyfriend the nurse said um that's not normal let me go call a doctor and now one of you has to get out because its going to be to full Alex said ill get out the nurse nodded and her and Alex left a doctor walked in with the nurse the doctor said ok so um what seems to be the problem I said she thinks that he's her boyfriend but I'm her boyfriend the doctor looked at Abby and said um Abby what's the last thing you remember she said its the last day of school and I'm suppose to go to a party with Blake that's all he said what year are we in she said 2013 the doctor sighed and said um Hun its 2014 she said how come I don't remember the doctor said well you lost a lot of blood and when you fell on the floor you probably hit your head or something which made you forget things or not remember this is common she said but I don't remember getting shot the doctor said there's nothing we can do it might be temporary but its possible that its permanent and if its permanent than well you'll just have to start over now I'm going o have some test done on you to see if there's something we can do but I highly doubt it the doctor left and so did the nurse. I looked at Abby and I said I'm your boyfriend not Blake you broke up with him at that party Blake said babe that's not true he's lying I grabbed Blake and punched and said you know very damn well that's not true Alex came in and said Logan you should go my mom and dad will be back anytime now I punched Blake one more time Abby screamed Blake's name Blake walked over to her and she pulled him towards her and kissed him I could feel steam coming out my ears I grabbed him again and punched him repeatedly Abby started screaming to let him go a nurse ran in and said stop or ill kick both of you out of the hospital I let go of Blake and walked out the room I was so mad right now she kissed him she doesn't remember me maybe she doesn't remember because she didn't really love me I walked out the hospital and got on my car it was almost 9pm right now I drove to my house took a shower and put on some clothes my shoes and colon I went downstairs my mom asked where I was going and I said somewhere she sighed and said just be careful ok I nodded and left I drove to a place I haven't been at for awhile well not unless Abby was with me I walked into the club and went straight to the bar section I got a vodka I drank it and asked for another one I finished that one and drank another one I drank 9 shots of vodka I was finishing my tenth and a hot blonde walked over to me she had a nice body and she was pretty I admit but nothing compared to Abby she sat next to me and said hey babe why so lonely she took my drink out of my hand and drank some I said well my girlfriend doesn't remember me and she said she loved me she kissed her ex in front of my face and her parents hate me I took back my drink and drank some she stood up and said well if she loves you so much then why doesn't she remember you sounds to me like she's not worth it how about me and you have some fun I finished the vodka I had and said ok but I'm not buying you a drink she laughed and said fine I stood up and she said my names Monica what's yours I said Logan she said well Logan I want you and I always get what I want she put her arms around my neck and kissed me I kissed back after all Abby doesn't even remember me

*****Monica's pov*****

I started kissing Logan he kissed back he's really hot I pulled away and said I know a motel near by want to go he nodded and said but we go in your car I nodded and we went out the club and to my car I drove to the motel and walked in we asked for a key and they gave me one we got in the elevator to go up to our room and Logan grabbed me and started kissing me I kissed back the elevator door opened and we walked out still kissing we went in the room and closed the door Logan started kissing me rough he was really turning me on he unzipped the dress I was wearing the dress fell to the ground I was now only wearing my red bra and panties he pulled away and said this isn't right I have a girlfriend I said what she doesn't know wont hurt her right and she doesn't even remember you I grabbed his hand and through him on the sofa I straddled him and rubbed myself on him I could feel him getting hard under me and I could tell he was huge he let out a moan and said your right he kissed me again I took his hands and put them around my waist he lowered his hands and grabbed my bu*t I took off his shirt he had really nice abs I ran my hands through them he picked me up and took me to the room he threw me on the bed and took off his pants he got on top of me and said get ready to scream my name Monica...

sorry I took forever to update but omg guys thank you so much for all the votes and for 3k reads

what do you think about what Logan's doing?

what do you think about Blake?

who do you think shot Abby?

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