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*Hi guys! Just a heads up, if you didn't read the A/N last chapter, this is the final official chapter for this book. This will also be written entirely from Gray's POV.*


Isn't it odd, the way you can look at a person and know exactly what they're thinking? 

I looked at Juvia. Juvia, the girl who I hurt over and over again. Her eyes were cast downwards, and no matter how hard I begged mentally, she wouldn't look at me. The grim line on her lips made me think of the possibility that she didn't want this. She didn't want to leave. But there was another emotion; it presented itself in the tightness of her fists and open stance.



My eyes settled into a glare at the young girl. "You have no where to go. You have nothing." I winced at my own tone. Why did I sound so cruel?

"I have a mother. A mother who is willing to raise her daughter in a proper manner." Her lip curled up slightly in disgust before going back to neutral. I, unfortunately, couldn't help myself from exploding.

"You can't do that. You can't run back to the woman who abused you for years. The woman who hit you in my own home. This was supposed to be a safe place for you."

There it was. Another mistake. "Safe? You call this safe?" Juvia pointed to her arms, the scratches I embedded into her arm still quite noticeable. I wanted to kick myself for that. She didn't do anything to deserve more pain. All of the stuff she has been put through, she put herself through...she didn't deserve any of it.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

She hissed at me, anger crossing her features. "It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

My temper was beginning to build again. I tried to remain calm...but couldn't she see? I said I was sorry! What more could she want from me? I know I couldn't just go back in time and change the past. That's not possible. And now she was leaving. Just like my parents did. Just like her father did. Just like Ur did...pain put the words into my mouth to spit at Juvia: "Well, maybe I'll be fine without you. Maybe it's better this way."

"Maybe it is." And with that, the blue-haired girl I had grown to love turned on her heel and walked away.


I looked at the time on my phone. 3:47 A.M.

I haven't slept in three days.

Ever since Juvia and I argued, we've been avoiding each other around the house. She's busy with packing, I sulk and mope in my room. Lyon comes in and smacks me on the head every once in a while, to remind me that I'm alive, but nothing can help me now.

I walk into the conjoined bathroom and pick up a razor, shaving off the slight fuzz on my face. Just as I was finishing up, the doorbell rang. I wiped my jaw and ran down the stairs, almost going into shock at who was standing outside my front door.


"Juvia, she can't take you! Not after the way she treated you!"

"She is my legal guardian." Juvia's tone was indifferent. Was she really that unaffected by this?

"Legal guardian or not, she hurt you. That's child abuse." The shorter girl's eyes flashed with anger.

"Are you calling me a child now? Am I weak?"

My hands clenched into fists. "No! Of course not! I'm just saying that your mother doesn't have the capacity to be a parent!"

Juvia stepped closer, her breath mixing with mine as she leaned in. She hissed, "my mother is the person who made me.

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