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"Please, you don't understand, she'll hurt me!"

"No. I will make sure that filth never touches you again." Juvia tugged at his arm uselessly, trying to get him to understand. But no matter how hard she pulled or how desperately she pleaded, he kept walking. 

When he finally reached the wooden door, he threw it open, making the woman inside jump. She studied him disapprovingly, then moved her glare to Juvia. "You told him."

The blue-haired girl looked at the floor, ashamed. "Yes," she whispered.

Gray interrupted their tense conversation. "She had every right to. You can't just hurt her! What has she ever done wrong? The girl I know could never do anything so horrible that you would need to punish her with pain!" He didn't care if he yelled. He didn't care if he scared Juvia. It wasn't fair.

Ms. Lockser simply rested her hands in her lap and cocked her head to the side. "She shouldn't even exist. That girl is nothing but a mistake."

The dark-haired boy's face was a deep red, reflecting his anger at the older woman's cruel statement. "Get. Out."

"Excuse me?"

"I let you in. That was a mistake. Now get out of my house before I call the police and have you arrested."

The lady huffed, pouting. "Fine. That girl will never be my daughter. She could be your slave for all I care." Her gaze stopped on Juvia. "Remember your place in the world. Worthless piece of garbage." 

Gray looked murderous, but managed to keep his composure. Turning around, he saw the blue-haired girl in tears. "Don't cry! Please don't cry!" The droplets just fell harder, faster. He didn't know what to do. What did she like? The rain? 

He remembered those days in school, when she would stare out the window solemnly. The soft drizzles, harsh storms, anything outside was better than there. If only he could get through to her...

He decided to let her in on a little secret. "Hey, come with me. I want to show you something." Big, blue eyes stared up at him. She nodded slowly and stood. He grabbed her hand and began down a dark corridor.


Juvia was nervous, but she trusted Gray. He was holding onto her arm lightly, right at the wrist. Although she longed to slip her hand into his soft palm, she didn't dare make a move, lest he push her away like everybody else did. That would be the last thing she would ever want to happen. Whenever he was around, even the voices left. There was a peaceful silence settling over her mind.

Eventually, they stopped at a tan-colored door. The boy took a deep breath before turning the handle. He fumbled with the light-switch for a bit, before finally flicking the little stick upwards.

Faint light from a dying bulb illuminated the room and its treasures. The pair slowly stepped inside, hard shoes muffled against the soft brown carpet. 

Gray was nervous. "This," he whispered, "this is my favorite room. On nights I can't sleep, I come here." He looked at the frames on the walls, the structures hanging from the ceiling, the light reflecting off of the shards of glass. "I don't know who made them, or why, but they're beautiful." The dark-haired boy turned back and looked at Juvia, in shock at her expression.

The small girl's eyes were filled with tears, but the biggest stretched across her face. Her breaths were shallow and quick, as if she were struggling to breathe. "It-it was you." Warm drops slid down her face and gathered on her quivering chin. "It was you all along."

Gray was confused. "What do you mean, 'it was me'?"

Juvia stared at her artwork of broken glass on the walls. Her little flower patterns, made of the tiniest slivers. Her umbrella, 3-D using the curve of the bottle. Her rain cloud, the last piece she ever made.

She shook her head, laughing softly. The sound pried its way into the raven-haired boy's heart. He had never heard a giggle so pure and light. He found himself smiling also, awaiting an explanation. 

"You were there for me all along."

*Happy Valentine's Day!! I'm planning on creating a special chapter to celebrate... 

Hope you guys liked the chapter! Gray is such a sweetheart <3

OMG! Almost 300 views! That's way more than I expected. I hope my work is good.

Don't forget to comment suggestions!!

Bai bai for nowsies~

P.S. Ereri fanfiction should be up by this weekend...I'm about halfway done!

P.P.S. If I do another anime fanfiction, which ship should it be?? I'm hoping for a few ideas...


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