3 | Awkward

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I woke up happier than ever. Now i have a reason to actually enjoy school 100% . Jimin. There's something about him that catch my attention even when he  don't try to....
I arrived to my first period class. Math. I hate that class but only because Jimin wasn't there... Second period. PE.
I was changing to my PE cloths when Jimin appeared  next to me. I was shirtless and i frizzed.

My teacher gave a note saying i'll have PE on my second period. I wen't to the GYM to change. When i asked where my locker was Yoongi took me there . He was very nice with me. When we arrived to my locker my heart stoped. Jungkook's locker was next to mine. DAMN IT! He was shirtless and i blushed and he did as well.
-S-sorry....- i locked my locker, ignoring him but he talked.

-So, no girlfriend. Why?- Jungkook asked
-Haven't found the right one- Jimin said still locking at his locker
-Oh, what's your type JimniE?-
Jimin blushed - Non of your business ..-
Jungkook laughed - You're very cute when you try to look mad JiminiE!!!-
Jimin locked at him really mad but he was more nervous than nothing.
-So.... why don't you change?- Jungkook said
-I will- he took his clothes and went to the restroom
-HEY!!- screamed Jungkook. He wanted to se Jimin shirtless. Like, really wanted to...

Moments latter Jimin appeared already dressed out with his PE clothes and smiled at Junkook while putting all his clothes on his locker. Yoongi appeared minutes latter
-Hey Chim chim, Ready?- he asked
-Yup...- Jimin answer
-Se ya!- Jimin said yo Jungkook

Jungkook looked ay Yoongi in a deadly way. He felt something that he never felt before. Was he jealous?

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