The Proposal

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Three words: Paris, play, gold
Suggested by: Ishallnottell


I didn't know where we were going until we landed in Paris. Franking Paris. I've always wanted to come here but could never afford it.

Arthur put so much effort into this surprise, too. He made sure that I never saw the tickets after he bought them or anything indicating where we were going. He had everything packed when I got back home from work and informed me that he called my boss to get me out on vacation for the next two weeks. Then he made me where headphones with the music all the way up the whole tome in the airport, so I wouldn't overhear anything that'd give the surprise away.

I love him. I truly do. He's always surprising me even though it's usually not this big of a surprise. It's cute how prepared he was, and how nervous he was about something going wrong. It shows how much he cares and wants to make happy on our four year anniversary of being a couple.

When we landed, he grabs both our bags and takes them to a car that is already waiting for us. It takes us to our hotel, and the bell-hopper took our bags to our room.

Before I could take a step towards the hotel, Arthur wrapped his arms around me to pick me up and turn me back to the car. He put his mouth next to my ear, "The bell-hopper can handle our luggage. You and I have somewhere else to be."

He kissed my ear, and I blushed, "Oh, really? Where?"

He smirked a little, "That's another surprise."

"Okay, My Prince Charming. Take me away." I said as I jumped into him arms.

He laughed a little, "Anything for you, my love."

He sat me in the car and slid in beside me. The driver started the car with a rumble, and we were off. The closer we got to our destination, the more nervous Arthur seemed to get.

When the car finally stopped, I saw that we were at the Ealdor Theatre. I was so excited. I've always wanted to see one of their plays. Arthur is making all my dreams come true today, isn't he?

I just wish he would fulfill my biggest dream and propose to me. I'm not going to let that get in my way of enjoying this time with him in Paris, though.

I lean over and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back nervously and starts to fidget. I see his hand pat his pocket but brush it off. I don't know what's going on with him. I obviously like this, and he knows that I've wanted to come here for forever.

I look at him, "Are you alright? You seem nervous. Do you not want to watch a play? We could do something else. I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do."

He looks at me while starting to panic, "I'm fine. I want to see the play with you, Merlin. I want to make all your dreams come true. This being one of them. I just hope you like it."

I smile at him, "Of course, I like it. I love it actually. This is already an amazing trip. You've put so much time into this. I love you." I kiss his cheek to add emphasis.

He relaxes a little, "Okay. Let's go in then."

He slides out, and I follow. He takes my hand in his, and we walk in together. He hands the guy our tickets. We get seated in the front.

The announcer starts to announce the play while the servers start to pass out the fancy meals. I almost freak when the announcer says that the play is Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It's one of my favorite plays even if it's really overrated.

Throughout the whole play, Arthur gets more and more nervous. It's kind of cute, but I'm worried because I don't know why he's nervous.

Halfway through, I decided to grab his hand and rub reassuring circles into it while still watching the play. This seemed to settle him a little.

When the play was over, the cast all came out and bowed. Everyone clapped for the amazing actors and actresses.

Once the clapping die down, Arthur looked at me. I smile at him. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee while taking a blue velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it to reveal a shiny, gold ring. I took in a breath of air.

He cleared his throat nervously, "Merlin, these last four years have been the absolute best years of my life, and I wouldn't change them for the world. I want to make all your dreams come true starting with this trip to Paris. As for myself I only have one dream that I'm truly worried about, and that is spending the rest of my life as your husband. So Merlin, will you marry me?"

I nodded my head furiously while repeating, "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

I ran up to him and gave him a kiss. There were 'awwwwwwws' from all around, and I suddenly couldn't wait to get out of there.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowds to the awaiting car. After we got in, I immediately shut the window divider between the front and back.

I quickly captured Arthur's lips with mine and whispered against them, "You've just made my biggest dream come true, and I've just made yours come true, too. This deserves a celebration."

And if we only got as far as our hotel room's sofa, that's our business.

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