Puppy Love?

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Three suggestions: Mergana, a puppy, and snowy day.
Suggested by: MerlinDevotee thanks for the suggestion. This will be interesting writing just Mergana for the first time.


Morgana has been fuming ever since I chose to go hunting over with Arthur over staying home in the castle with her. It was a one day trip, and I thought by now she would understand my paranoia with Arthur getting threatened or attacked by an evil sorcerer.

When I came back, she was locked away in her rooms not letting me in. Then I tried to magic my way in, and she slapped me as the door opened. I've tried talking to her since then, but she won't even let me get a word in edge wise.

So today, I'm out in freezing snow picking up something that she has always wanted. Everyone tells her that she does have time for pet and that royal matters are more important, but for the most part, they could care less about a girl's opinion. They only care about her man's.

Plus, most of the time, all she does is walk around or brush her hair, being bored out of mind. That's one of the main reasons she's so furious with me. She claims that I keep her entertained which I think I do, in a way. 😉.

It'll be a relief for her to finally have something to keep her entertained for longer than five minutes. Plus, she'll forgive me and we'll probably have some more entertainment afterwards. 😉.

I arrive at the place with her gift. As I walk to the door, it opens and a grumpy, old man comes out. "It's around back." He says with a grumbling, dark voice. I follow him around back until we come into view of a small pen. "Take your pick."

I walk over to the pen of adorable little puppies. One shakes his body covering me and all the other puppies around him with even more snow than before. Then starts to chase the falling snowflakes.

This is the one. He has a lot of energy and seems friendly. "I'd like this one."

The grump of a man comes over and with a slightly chirper tone than earlier says, "Fine. That one will be 20 gold coins." 

I pull out my bag of money and count out twenty coins. He smiles as he lifts the puppy up and hands it to me.

He walks me back out front and waves me off telling me, "Good luck with that girl." I turn around to ask how he knew, but by then he was already back inside.

I get back to the castle with the puppy in hand and go to to Morgana's chambers. I knock once and hear a faint, "What do you want, Merlin?"

I open the door just to where my head peeks in and announce, "I have a gift for you, Morgana."

With hearing the word gift, her head pop up, "What is it?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard that it's okay to come in yet for you to see."

"Oh. Geez, Merlin. Just come in already and give me my gift." I smile as I walk in holding the adorable, little puppy. I see Morgana face light up and she squeals, "You got me a puppy. Oh, thank you, Merlin."

She comes quickly over and kisses me. "Does this mean that I'm forgiven?"

"Of course, my royal court sorcerer." She says taking the puppy while giving me one more kiss. "And by the way, you should go get all that snow off you. You're dripping everywhere, and when you come back, you can entertain me. 😉.

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