Chapter Fourteen: Pushing Buttons

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Ever so slowly, I watched the golden color come back to the king's irises. A radio static crackled through my head like I was searching for the right station. 

All of a sudden, an ambush of sounds traveled through my bewildered mind.

What's happened? She's looking at me strangely. Why are her irises almost black?

Elias' eyes raced back and forth, up and down. He was trying to figure me out. My hand was covering his mark, and I brushed away some of the blood.

Nnngh. That feels so good. Oh my.. How is she doing that? Oh sweet jesus. 

Deep rumbles came from his chest and his closed his eyes in pleasure.

Something isn't right here... WAIT

His eyes widened.

She marked me.

He stared at me in shock, his eye color starting to fluctuate between black and gold.

He quietly groaned. That's so hot. Touch it more. Touch that mark.

I slapped my free hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

Hold on... He snapped his eyes back down to my face, and blood rushed to his cheeks.

You can hear what I'm thinking now, can't you?

I knew that if I tried to respond, laughter would leak through my response, so I nodded. Elias clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. The crackle faded, and my mind went silent. I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore.

Part of me was relieved, but I pouted. That was amusing, and now it was gone.

Elias tensed and pushed himself off of me before stalking out of the cave.

Well, I gulped, that went well...


The king was gone for awhile. I didn't go out searching for him or anything. Yeah, I was bonded to him now, but that didn't mean I was going to go crazy.

Although, I couldn't stop tapping my foot and glancing at the entrance of the cave. It felt like a part of me was missing, and my primal side desperately wanted it back. My instincts kept fighting with me. Sometimes as I sat, my legs would start to stand because my animal side wanted it so bad.

It was draining to put up such a fight. To feel so divided. The whole reason I fought so hard was because I didn't trust the king. Not yet. Yes, he seemed kind of sweet, but--at the same time--he was aggressive and violent.

It's animal nature, you know that. Males of every species become territorial over females and get all worked up over it. Violence is in their chemical make-up. That annoyingly smart conscious of mine chimed in.

I sighed, not wanting to think about it as much. 

Okay well,  I told myself, I might as well make some boundaries.

I mentally prepared myself before picturing a list in my head.

1) Don't touch him unless you absolutely have to.

I knew from my mother's pack lessons that, for unmated shifters, skin-to-skin contact was kind of a gateway to...mating. The tips of my ears went scarlet at the thought of... that.

2) Demand that he teaches you how to hide your thoughts.

It just wasn't fair that he could turn off his monologue, but I had no way of hiding my thoughts.

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