Chapter One: Old Dreams

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Grace paced along the edge of the woods. 

Back and forth. 

Back and forth.

Left, right.

Left, right.

"Grace do you know for sure?" The alpha male of the pack questioned through the mind-link.

The slender black wolf stopped and turned her murderous eyes to the leader, "Do you think I'm lying?"

"No, I'm just saying-"

"MY BABY IS GONE. MY NEWBORN HAS BEEN TAKEN AND YOU THINK I'M LYING?" Grace growled lowly at her superior, not wanting to alert the foxes on the other side of the treeline of her presence.

The alpha curled up his lip in frustration, but still huffed in defeat. In wolf packs, only certain females were aloud to have children, and the ones who did became the temporary alphas of the pack. The pack Grace was born into was a strong one, and a large one, so it subdivided when birthing season came. Grace was the alpha of a section of the pack, along with a few other females.

The original alpha of the pack could not argue with Grace, but he justified that even though they, too, were shapeshifters, he never liked the tricky little foxes.

"Take them from their holes," Grace's unwavering orange eyes bored into the alpha's  as she ordered the pack.

Brian bounded over to the nearest hole and ripped an unsuspecting fox from its den. It yelped in surprise, but it was paralyzed, Brian had its scruff. 

Brian threw the male fox into the air and caught the orange scavenger by its middle with his teeth. He started shaking his head rabidly and he tore his canines into the fox's side. Brian's jaw was tight, and the amount of pressure he was putting on the poor creature's ribs was building up. He used his were-creature mind link to communicate to the fox.

"Where is my son?" he boomed.

The fox replied with many whines, and finally admitted that he honestly didn't know. 

Brian shook the fox one last time and then dropped him. The male immediately phased into a human, most of  his ribs were shattered and he had a lot of internal--and external--bleeding. He wouldn't make it through the night.

Grace woke with a start. She blinked her eyes once. Twice. And the world became clearer. 

It was barely morning, only a few early birds were chirping and fluttering about their day. She rubbed her eyes and a giant yawn cracked open her lips and filled her lungs. She knew she had to get up, but she told herself "just a few more minutes".

Grace pulled the blankets closer to her body and sank even deeper into her pillow. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she succumbed to another hour of sleep.

Grace was not horrified of her mate's actions. Brian wasn't the only one doing them. The entire pack was busy finding fox dens and brutalizing the truth out of the foxes. Late evening fell upon the clearing. Every brown, orange, black, and white body was washed in an eerie shade of pink. The war against the foxes had begun, and Grace knew it wasn't just in her pack.

Wolves all around the world grew wary of foxes. Tensions were tight then. Wolves needed more territory for growing populations, and foxes needed the small prey that the wolves scared away. In human form, the two could get along, but most were-creatures liked to stay in animal form for long periods of time.

Grace tore her gaze from the clearing and moved her ears in all directions. A fox could be escaping with her young. She heard rustling to her side.

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