Chapter Thirteen: Kissing and... Other Activites

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"You shouldn't flaunt that around like it's nothing!" Elias snapped, raising up to his full height.

Fear flickered through me, but I swallowed it back. "What? So now you're going to threaten me again? You're doing real well with the "you are always safe with me" notio-"

Elias raked his hands through his through his hair in frustration before surging towards me. In less then a second, I was pressed up against the wall. The air was forced out of my lungs and a pitiful "oof" escaped me. 

"You are safe with me," He snarled.

I rolled my eyes, starting to get used to his aggressive shoving-against-the-wall moves. "Ohhhh yeah. Totally."

The king's irises darkened to an almost black color, and his eyes narrowed into slits. Normally, for aendigo's, a color-change like that could only mean one thing.

My eyes widened."Oh shi-"

With an animalistic growl he crashed his lips into mine.

Strong emotions like white-hot anger or depression can cause inentwoul kares to act purely on animal instinct.

They were warm as they merged with my own unexpected lips. At first, I wanted to resist. But his hands snaked into my hair and held me captive. 

Kares are aendigo mates. But, kares are a very special kind of mate. Most mates in the shape-shifting world have similar souls, which is why they normally stay together their entire lives. However, kares share the same soul.

A moan escaped him when I kissed back. His lips became softer and more malleable. I parted my mouth just a little for air, and his tongue darted out to mine.

Inentwoul kares are a whole different matter. You see, inentwoul (in-en-twowl)basically means "unmated". Because kares share the same soul, they have a very strong attraction to each other once their halved souls recognize each other. Elaya and Elias' souls never got the chance to meet each other, though. For kares to identify the other, they both must be in their animal form. However, Elias and Elaya's bond is already very strong, and it let them feel a pull to one another without even knowing each other's souls.

Elias' lips left mine prematurely, and I couldn't help but whimper. It's like I needed his undivided attention. He made up for it, though, when he trailed kisses down my neck. My breath hitched in my throat as I fought for control. I could feel my more primitive side pushing forward, wanting to be with its partner.

Get a grip, Elaya. I told myself. This isn't how you wanted it to go.

That was true. I wanted to actually get to know king Elias before we both shifted into fox form and initiated the bond. It wasn't fair. I wanted a choice in the matter. I wanted to fall in love with him first....or leave him.

Once an inentwouled aendigo's primitive side takes control, theres virtually no way of stopping immediate mating. The animal side has full control, and there isn't one bit of humanity left in the aendigo.

Elias' primitive side wasn't hungry. It wasn't searching for food when it devoured my lips.

He wasn't thirsty, either. That much was clear when he licked me instead of the cool water outside the cave.

The animal in him wasn't in desperate need of shelter. It wasn't finding safety when it buried into my neck and left feather-light kisses.

When one kare loses control, it becomes very hard for their mate to keep their own humanity.

My kare's touches elicited moans, and my animal side battled with my conscious. A swarm of butterflies fluttered around in my stomach, and a wetness pooled between my legs. Elias had one hand on my hip, and the other tickling its way up my shirt.

And the only way for a inentwouled kare to keep the imminent mating at bay?

I fought through the urges, desperate to keep my level head. My humanity was fading, though. I could feel it in the way I pressed my hips against his. My own consciousness dangled by a thread when I arched my back once his searching hand finally found what it was looking for. He pinched at one of my most sensitive parts, and I shuddered--eyes half-closed in ecstasy.

The still-human kare had to mark their already animal counterpart; essentially solidifying the bond the two shared.

I knew what I had to do to make the king stop. I had to make my bond to him permanent. I had to show he was mine and mine alone for all eternity. A part of me didn't want that, yet. I barely knew him.

A purr of pleasure bubbled up in me when the king lifted my legs to straddle his waist.

I had to do it now. Before it was too late. I took a moment to steel myself, before I nuzzled my mouth into one of the most sensitive parts of his body.

Right where his neck met his shoulder, I dragged my tongue in slow circles. 

We both sighed simultaneously. The marking process was a drug in itself. I circled the drain between freedom and submission to my animal side with every slow lash.

Once the spot was wet, I drew his skin into my mouth and sucked. 

My kare groaned in desire and pressed his hips against my core. I was losing it. Peice by piece, my humanity fell away.

Before all traces of my self-control were gone, I bit down.

Elias gasped in pain and pleasure as the bond swirled through our senses.

Our souls merged to become one. Mewls of delight rumbled through our vocal chords, and warm enlightenment swam through our veins.

That was it.

Elias and I were bonded kares.

Elias and I were bonded kares

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Woah. Even I didn't see that coming...

Okay truth be told, that was my first time ever writing a remotely erotic scene. Did I do okay?

As always, review the gif at the top and imagine it as a scene in this chapter xD

Discussion Time:

Do you like the whole "kares" lure?

Are you mad or happy that Elias and Elaya had to bond so quickly?

Holy shit. What's going to happen now?!?!

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