30.Let's talk about this like businessmen

Start from the beginning

The signed on the empty space at the bottom of the page and I signed on the adjacent space where I was to also state my name.I had gone through that document a thousand times before agreeing to the terms.

It simply stated that I now owned ten percent of Castro Enterprises.It had taken a lot of convincing for Sebastian to sell me a part of his agribusiness empire.

"It is done...I have one last term if we are going to do business together."Sebastian stated getting up from the black chair,"My daughter is off limits"

There wasn't really a way I could say 'no' so I agreed.

She and I had only been on one date and I had developed strong feelings for her but I didnt think I would fall in love with her.

Little did I know that it was only matter of time till I fell for his daughter.The same girl that had been deemed 'out of bounds' to me.

I stopped reminiscing the afternoon a few months ago and shot my gaze to the head of the company.

Sebastian Castro seemed calmer than I thought he would be.Maybe he did not know about my relationship with his daughter.Or he was just one of those people who was good at hiding his emotions.It's an important ability one needs to have on the business world.One needs to be completely void of emotions.

I expected Sebastian to be angrier but he neutral.You couldn't tell what the man was thinking.

My girlfriend was sat across from me next to her brothers Marco,Leonardo and Alexander.I knew all of them especially Alexander.He held a grudge with me.Maybe because I kind of stole his girlfriend back when we were at Harvard.It was not my fault.That girl had a reputation for being very promiscuous and it was only a matter of time before the relationship ended.

Alexander looked as if he was going to pounce on me any second but he was not foolish enough to make a scene in front of everyone.This was not the time or place.That must have been what was also holding Sebastian back.

The meeting ended and everyone began exiting the room.

"Did you really think your relationship could go on without me noticing?"Sebastian's voice was loud and firm.It was just Sebastian,his children and I in the room at that point.

Turning I came face to face with the angry Brazilian man.He stood the same height as me.Anger was evident in his hazel eyes.Andrea must have gotten his eyes.

If looks could kill I'd be six feet under.Castro was shooting bullets in my head with his deadly stare.

He clenched his fists so tight that his knuckles whitened.This man was about to start a fight and that was the last thing I wanted.I figured it would be wrong to send my girlfriend's father to the emergency room and if there was going to be fight that is what would happen.

"I am going to kill you.We had an agreement" this man was serious.I knew it. "You won't be the man that murder"

He can't be serious...though it is pretty easy to cover up a murder when one is rich.

"Father!"Warned Andrea in a harsh tone.She was sexy when she was angry.As a matter of fact she was sexy all the time.

Concentrate Damon.

"Andrea,I told you to stay away from this man."Added Alexander Castro.

"Mr.Castro let's talk about this like...."civilized men,no that would be insulting to the man."....business men...May I have a moment with you?Can everyone please leave?"

Everyone except Alexander went out and hesitantly so did Andrea.I could see the worry in her eyes but I gave her one of those 'trust me on this' looks.

"Mr.Castro...please have a seat."

"No!I will stand."sturborn old man.

"Ok stand."He took a seat.Alex just leaned against the table.I slowly went round the table and sat down on chair across from Sebastian.My slow pace annoyed him and I found it amusing.

"Nothing you say can convince me not to send you to the hospital but I will give you a minute."

"I am in love with your daughter."Alex broke into laughter while Sebastian remained quiet.

"I am not a fool Stark....you stay away from my daughter or else!I may have let you do business with me with my company but do not confuse that for an invitation to get involved with my precious Andrea.Stay away from her!"He banged his fist on the table hard.

"That's the thing,I can't.She's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep...not that I can even sleep at night.I cannot properly function when she's absent and I can't think when she's around."I spoke from the heart and he went silent.

"Lies!"Exclaimed Alexander "Father, this man cannot be trusted."

"Alexander,If this is about Gigi or Georgi or what ever her name was,she was easy and I did you easy...now can you please move on?"I said so that the man could finally forget what happened in way back in college.

"This is NOT about that...and her name was Georgia."I did not care for her name and whoever that girl was.

Finally someone spoke,"I cannot let you court my daughter"

"Trust me Mr.Castro...I am not interested in courting your daughter."I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I want to marry her."



Did you enjoy this chapter?

I hope you liked it and I told you I would update soon.

Anyway I love you guys and thank you for the support.

By the way...this book is NUMBER 881 IN ROMANCE and I am not complaining.


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