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Again I apologise for taking long to update.

Jon Kortajarena as Luca Solano.

There's a pic in the media box up there.



My father was going on a business trip to the states so I thought it would be best to join him .He hadn't handed over the company to me despite his age. He never failed to remind me that he was still a young man and that I shouldn't pay attention to the gradual greying of his hair .Still he was aging well and I hoped it was genetic ,God forbid I reach his age of fifty five and look like an old grape.

"You should court... Miss Castro " Father said bluntly as we were on the private jet flying to New York making me choke on my drink.He was taking about Andrea Castro.We were childhood friends and for a long time i had a little crush on her which didn't go unnoticed by my father.

When I got older the crush turned into admiration.I admire her loving,generous,kind and caring nature,its extremely rare these days to find a genuinely wonderful person.She has been like that since I can remember.

She lived in Rio de Janeiro and New York most if the time but we would meet frequently enough since our families were allies.My father's company also had a branch in Rio which he worked in most of the time.This allowed us to spend time together.

Of course I loved her a lot and was without question attractive but the idea of asking her out was absolutely preposterous because of one man.

Sebastian Castro.

If her strict father didn't know mine I don't think I'd be alive .Mr .Castro hates it when members of the opposite gender are around his daughter but he trusted me and believed I would never do anything to harm her.Still he didn't trust me enough to let us date so I didn't pursue her.

For years I had wondered what could have become of it if we began courting but I never had the courage to do it .

Maybe he has changed.She is an adult now.What's stopping me?Nothing.

"Soon you've thought about it " dad had noticed I was deep in thought.

"Yes father"

"Good "a reassuring smile appeared on his face.


"Luca "she said followed by a scream of joy and run up to me and hugged me when I showed up unannounced at her office .I held her in a loving embrace as we hugged right there next to the door and as always took the chance to get a whiff of sweet smelling hair.

This can't be shampoo .It's scientifically impossible to synthesize such a scent .It has to be natural .

"I missed you so much,its been years "she said.

"Me too .These are for you"

"Oh you remembered my favourite "she replied sticking her nose in the bouquet. "Thank you ,come,sit"

She pulled me over to the left arm chaise lounge.

"What time did you get here ?How was Madrid? How was the flight? Is your father here?How have you been ?" She drowned me in questions."I can't believe you're here "she screamed out of excitement.

" wait am talking too fast aren't I?"

"Yes and I got in yesterday,Madrid is ok, the flight was long and boring,I came with my dad and I've been fine.I actually ...came-" I was cut off by a panic-stricken man rushing into the room.

Damon Anthony Stark.

"Are you ok ?" He asked in a worried voice .He then faced me and asked " who the hell are you? " I wondered if they were dating .My sweet Andrea couldn't possibly have fallen for his charms .

" Damon this is Luca,Luca this is Damon."she introduced us to each other .Damon and I had once met .It was when my father was introducing me to his father at some party six years ago.He really is a younger version o his father the resemblence is uncanny . "Would you please leave " her tone was cold on the last part.

There was one thing going on between the two of them.Then there was the way he looked at her.Like she was the only person in the world.

Surely Sebastian Castro wouldn't allow his beloved and only daughter to be with a man known changing his women more than his clothes,would he?

"You heard her " Damon said to me.

"I think she meant you " I scoffed.

He exited and I was finally alone with the stunning young lady sitting next to me.

"Ummh..." spit it out Luca " go out with me tomorrow evening"


More silence.

That moment would make it or break it.Her answer would affect me for the rest of my life.

"L-like on a date?" I nodded.Had I ruined a fifteen year friendship in just fifteen seconds? This was dad's idea.If she says no its his fault.I am gonna kill dad for putting me up to this. She could say no or she could laugh in my face or she could say- "yes... but something simple"

I mentally fist bumped the air in celebration.

"Great" I was elated because soon I would know if she and I were meant to be and if we weren't we could still be friends right?

We chattered for a while then I went back to the hotel where I was staying in New York.


Kai couldn't stop bugging about the date I was supposed to go on.He anticipated it more than me.He even picked out an outfit for me.Boy was he eager.

I too was eager but my endusiasism was clouded by fear that the date would ruin the friendship.As much as I hate admitting it,I also hadn't moved on from Damon.It sounded beyond the bounds of possibility.

Then I convinced myself that Luca asking me out was a hint from a higher power that I shouldn't be with Damon.

I prepared for the date.Since I told him I wanted to do something simple for a date we decided to do it the old fashioned way,dinner and a movie.It was to be the first romantic setting Luca and I were going to be in together so I wanted to ease myself into the idea.

By the time I was done getting ready there was a light knock on the door.

"Right on time Sollano "I said facing the handsome looking man.

"You look lovely...as always " his pearly white teeth showed as an ear to ear smile developed on countenance.

I grabbed my small purse and we departed.


Thank you for reading.It has not been proof read by the way.

Did you notice I changed the cover and my username?The first username wasn't as appealing to me.

How will Damon deal with the fact that Luca might steal Andrea's heart?

Gun to your head ,Luca Sollano or Damon Anthony Stark?

Till next time.


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