17.Dreaming about him

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"Here are the papers you wanted,"I handed him the documents.Damon was leaning on his desk with his arms crossed over his chest.Earlier that day he said he needed them and I just so happened to have them.I was nice enough to bring them to him personally."If you need anything else just call me on the office line."

"I do need something "he said as I retreated.Without warning my wrist was grabbed and I was spun around by a large strong hand.How in the world he had gotten to me without making a sound? He pulled me into his hard chest and his arms snaked themselves around my waist.I got lost in his dark blue orbs.

"W-What did you need?"I stammered.He smirked at my nervousness.

"You " he uttered one word before his lips were smashed on mine .I didn't resist.My arms went around his neck while his descended down to was ass lifting me up.I wrapped my legs around him as our tongues explored each other's mouths causing more pleasure than I can describe.

He moved over to the desk and placed me on it.I broke the kiss."What if someone finds us,Damon?" I looked at the door that was half open.

"Then they will know that you belong to me and only me,"again his lips crashed on mine in an urgent kiss.He removed his hands from my back and put them on neck of my simple v-neck shirt.I heard a tearing sound.I pulled away only to see my shirt had been torn away from my body.The top half of my body was only in a white bra.No words left my mouth before his lips covered my own again.

He worshipped my body by placing hot and wet kisses all over my neck and collar bone giving me the atmost pleasure.A sudden gasp left my lips when he cupped my boob with my bra still on it.

"Let's get rid of this shall we..."

I shot up from the bed my chest heaving as I panted.Never in my life have I had such a dream . I have to admit it was pretty enjoyable.

I wonder what it would be like in real life...no get your mind out of the gutter Andrea.

How was I supposed to get on a plane in a few hours with a man I had just quite the dream about? I checked the time on my alarm clock.5:56 .Since it was already morning I decided to wake up and get ready.The flight was supposed to be at eleven in the morning.

I took a shower,got dressed and checked if I had every thing I needed for the trip.Lance showed up at nine o'clock as I was making coffee .Making coffee isn't that hard when you have a machine.

"You want some coffee ?" he nodded and I handed him the cup of Arabica coffee.

He took my bags to the Mercedes-Benz E class parked outside,I saw it through the window .That's the car he would be driving me in from that day onwards.

The car took off with me and Lance in it at about ten o'clock.My dad called me while we were almost at the airport.

"Hi dad "

"Mi hija,I have bad news for you...There has been an incident in Jakarta with the factory Alexander could not handle it himself so I had to take my private jet there this early morning .I'm afraid I cannot join you."It was kind of a bummer that he couldn't come.I would be stuck in a plane for a few house with Damon.

"Ok father "

"My personal assistant will be waiting for you when you get there and ....I have also planned for another bodyguard to meet you in Miami.He and Lance will be at your side the whole time you are out of the hotel.I hope Luca is treating you well."

"Y-Yeah he is .Bye dad love you " I hung up.When dad brought up Lucy it made me feel guilty.I couldn't string him along like this when I had feelings for Damon.So I mustered up all the courage and called him before we got on the plane and it was too late.Luckily he picked up

"Hi Luca,"


"I was calling to tell you that I can't go on another date with you because...because...because..."

"Because you are in love with Damon I know. "

"Sorry .It is just that you really wanted us to go out and I can't do that when I have feelings for someone else."

"It's ok .Andrea,It's just thought it would be cool to go out with my best friend...I'm tired of being alone . I want something real,someone real who wants to be with me because of they love me and care about me not because of my money .I want someone who loves me and who I love and I thought I could have that with you."

"You can have that Luca, but not with me .You will find her for sure just give it some time,you're only twenty-six years old ,Stop acting like you ninety. "He chuckled.

"Thank you.I want you to be happy with him...he loves you "

"How do you even know that?"

"Just...trust me .I have to go and good look with your lover boy."

I remember how Luca and I met .His mother and mine were good friends when she stilled lived in Spain before meeting my father.My father was born in Brazil but my mom was born and raised in Spain,her family moved to Brazil due to greener pastures and she met my dad .Years later when she was reuniting with her friend Luca and I met and our families have been allies since.

It was kind of hard to remain friends due to living in different countries,different continents but we made it work.

We arrived at the airport soon .Lance helped me with my bags and we went to a different section of the massive airport where the private jet we would be using was stationed.

This jet belonged to Damon .The interior was a extremely luxurious.

Damon had already gotten there .The minute I saw him my mind went to the hot dream I had about him and I wondering what it would be like if the dream became a reality. He was sitting the couch doing something on his phone .This ceased when he noticed my presence.

"Good morning beautiful .I've been told your father won't be coming so it's just going to be you... and I.There's a lot we could do with each other but a three hour flight may not be enough."he said seductively with a wink .My brain caught on to what he was insinuating and my cheeks reddened at the thought .I finally replied.

"We won't be alone Damon .Have you met Lance?"I said just as Lance was walking in.


Will Lance be a cockblocker for Damon?

Or can nothing stop the man from getting what he wants?

How will the trip go?

Read to find out.

By the way there is a picture of the private jet up in the media box.


♡Love Mel....

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