15.Unwanted attention

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It is official.Damon Stark,the walking one night stand (a nickname given to him by the tabloids ) had stolen my heart.

Despite all the shameless things he had done,he managed to weasel himself into my heart.I knew of all the rumours,all the stories about him thanks to the internet and various gossip magazines yet I still found myself caring for him that much.How did I get to the point where I didnt want anybody but him,the point where all I thought about was him?

I was at a point of no return and there was straight out nothing I could do about it.Candidly speaking,a part of me didn't want to do anything about it.That part of me was my heart.

All my heart wanted was him and no one else but him.

My brain was in unceasingly battling my heart.It was warning me about him.Telling me I should ignore this affection i felt towards him and act like things are normal.It kept teeling me that if I ignore the feelings they will go away.

Maybe if I act like I loath him,I'll start to.

Fake it till you feel it.

I didn't want to hate him.I couldn't hate him but my mind told me to do the smart thing.


Walking into the active office I did my best to neglect the stares coming from my fellow co workers.I found it a bit odd.All the women were looking at me with hate and another emotion I didn't know.


I heard whispers like "God,I wish I was her" and "did you see it online?"

I didn't understand till I went into my office and looked at the news alert on my laptop.The article left me appalled.

A Night Out On The Town For Luca Sollano And Andrea Castro.

Last night the tech mogal was spotted in the city with none other that Miss Andrea Castro.They were even seem coming out of the movie theatre close to Central Park.What caught our attention was that the Brazilian beauty was being carried by the Spanish gentleman.Clearly there is something going on here.

Could they be dating and how close are the two?

What about Damon Stark?

My jaw dropped at the last sentence I read.I took a big bite out of my mouth watering brioche and kept on reading.

Sources say that just last week ago the ladies man(Damon) was seen with the girl and it looked like they were more than work friends...

I closed the laptop and ran a hand through hair.Only a few seconds passed before there was a knock on the door so light I almost didn't hear it.My father's personal assistant walked into my office after I permitted her entrance.She was a kind-hearted middle-aged woman with ginger hair and pale skin and brown orbs.She hadn't aged well so some of her locks her began turning grey.

"Your father has requested your presence "her voice was weak and tired.It was crystal clear she wasnt getting enough rest.That's the bad thing about being my father's aassistant.If works late hours so do you.At least the pay is unbelievebly good for a P.A."Now,he is waiting in his office"

This can't be good.

I knew right off the bat that he wanted to talk about the same thing I had just been looking at.

I followed the woman to my father's office,she helped open the tall and heavy mahogany door for me and I went in.Dad was standing next to the enormous glass window admiring the dazzling view of the bustling city.

I swallowed hard and cleared my dry throat to get his attention.My heart was beating fast in my chest ready to bust through my rib cage.Now I understood why people found him so terrifying.He moved over to his desk and instead of taking a seat he stood behind it whereas I was still standing next to the door.

"Have a seat" complying to his order I slowly marched up to the one of the chairs in front of his desk."What is this?"

He turned his laptop so that I could see the screen which had the very article I was reading just earlier that morning in fact less than ten minutes before.

"A l-laptop"I decided to act dumb.Big mistake.

"Read it! " I pulled the device closer to me and my eyes scanned the screen pretending to be seeing this for the first time. "What have I always told you?Stay away from the tabloids mi hija( my daughter) " him calling me that made me know his anger had dialled down a tad.He often hid his short tempered-ness around me. "Why were you out with Luca?Better yet why were you ever seen with that wolf Damon?I warned you against getting involved with him.I don't really see a problem with Luca but I will not allow you to be even a feet close to that man. "

"It's not what it looks like " I concocted a lie," he just took me out to lunch to make up for accidentally spilling coffee on me last weekend nothing more than a lunch I promise."

Thank heavens the papparazzi hadn't gotten any photos of us during the kiss.

"Is that all?"He asked looking me straight in the eye.If I broke eye contact with him he would know something was up.I stayed strong,didn't blink and replied with a soft 'yes'.

"Now I am not done...from today...your bodyguards will return"my heart sank at his words"...I realise I haven't been keeping an eye on you as much as I should.You need to be safe."

"You can't do this! " The words escaped my lips before I could stop them.

"I can...and I will"he said harshly and I glared at him "...I have good news for you Chiquita.You made it clear that you have always wanted to go on a business trip so tomorrow...you,Damon and I shall be going to Miami.I would like to make sure construction is going exactly how I want it so we shall be flying there tomorrow even with him ..." I was elated.For months i had been bugging my father to give me more responsibility in the office and finally the constant begging paid off.Persistence pays off.

"I have also organized for you to meet your new guard"he picked up his office phone and dialed some number I assumed it was his assistant."send him in "he spoke into it.Send who in?

I didn't know who or whaat to expect at the moment.I wondered if he wanted me to meet my new bodyguard at that moment.I wondered how long he had been planning this.

Suddenly a tall,forty something year old man with dark skin and a shiny bald head in a black suit and tie with a white shirt walked in.The man was fit for his profession with his gigantic muscles and face that was void of emotions.This is not happening.It can't be. The man had an aura that exuded power,physical power that is.This was the kind of man you see and run even before an exchange of words takes place.He was a bodyguard alright.

My mouth opened up to protest but father gave me one of those don't argue with me looks.

"This is...ummh..." dad struggled to remember the man's name.

"Lance " the man insanely deep voice echo through the large room.

"From now on he shall follow you everywhere and keep you safe.I want you to understand that I am doing this for your own good mi hija(my daughter)"I nodded even though I wanted to shot both of them "You can go now"

I stood up and walked towards the door.Lance pulled it open for me and I rudely responded "I can open the door for myself."


I want a bodyguard just so that they can beat up my biology teacher.

Terry Crews as Lance the bodyguard.

Till next time.


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