28.Secret admirer from hell

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I didn't want to disturb Damon in the middle of the night . Kai's cell was off .Daniel on the other hand was in Canada visiting his family for a couple of days.

I barely got any shut eye that night .I tried convinced myself that I was over reacting but I still worried.

Who was this man...or woman who sent the text?

How did this person know about my relationship with Damon?Very few people knew Damon and I were dating .About three people only.

Were we being followed?And if we were how had we never noticed?

How did this mystery person even get my phone number?


Waking up that morning I tried to rush my usual routine so that I could leave the apartment early .Thankfully Lance did not mind picking me up for work half an hour early .He did not even ask why I requested the early pick up.

Maybe he assumed I wanted to get to work early since this week was the big meeting .The meeting was the next day and everybody was pretty excited because afterwards the work load would reduce for everyone.

Arriving at work I expected to find at least one of my brothers there but I was told that Marco and Alexander weren't in the country yet.

Leo had gone to one of the plants with my dad and they would not be back till later so I was alone on the large floor with Lance.

"Do you need anything else Andrea?" Lance asked as I was taking a seat behind my desk.

"Do you mind staying with me for a while?"I asked in a stubble manner,playing it cool.

" Not at all .Is something bothering you?"He asked concerned .I shook my head .Lance took a seat on the lounge chair and picked up a magazine. I had got some magazines for him to read .Most of them were men's magazines and were about motorcycles and cars.


I had actually started to forget about my stalker and was busy doing office work .I had told Lance that he could leave a while ago and that he did not need to pick me up and drive me home later .Dad and Leo were not back yet.

My phone beeped and I got frightened .There was a high chance it was a text from the private number.

With a shaking hand I picked up my iPhone and checked the text.

It is only a matter of time until you are mine and only mine.That man does not deserve you,I do .He does not deserve your love and affection.Don't be a fool Andrea don't fall prey to his tricks.He only wants you because you are out of bounds to him because you are OFF LIMITS.
-Private Number

More texts came in.

I am tired of watching you from a far.Tired of lacking in the shadows.
-Private Number

You are so kind and he is so cruel ,that tyrant will burn in hell.
-Private Number

My plan is underway .It doesn't matter how long it takes or by what means but you will be with me.
-Private Number

We will meet soon and before you know it you'll be mine for the rest of your life.
-Private Number

I was even more terrified than before .Terrified is an understatement .Blood froze in my veins as I finished reading the text messages .A cold chill ran down my spine and I was paralysed with fear .

This person had been watching me .This person was going to do whatever it takes to get to me even if it meant hurting Damon or worse.

With a trembling hand I picked up the office telephone and dialed in Damon's office line .I didn't even want to touch my own phone.

"Damon Stark's office how may I help you?"Simon,his assistant had picked up .Simon had always been nice to me.Back when his boss's office was in our building he would bring me doughnuts every morning.

"Can I-I s-speak with him... please?" I stuttered praying he was not in a meeting or anything important.

"I'm afraid not but I'm here you can tell me anything." The young man said.

"No no it's ok." I hung up then tried calling Damon's cell .He picked up almost immediately and I felt a little relief.

"H-Hello."My stuttering did not go unnoticed.

"What is the matter beautiful?"The sound of his velvety voice calmed me.

"I-I need you."

"I need you too."He said seductively.

"Not in that way .There is someone who k-k-keeps....can you just come for me am at my office please h-hurry."

"Be there in ten."

I anxiously sat in my office waiting for him.

I paced around my office in an attempt to calm myself down before I had a heart attack .It was nearly five thirty in the evening and most employees had left so the building had become rather quiet .Not to mention I was on the floor alone by myself.

The door flew open and Damon along with two built men came in .My boyfriend rushed to my side and held me in his embrace for a while.

After grabbing my bag and the phone we left the office .A car was waiting downstairs and we got in .The two men sat at the front while we were in the back seat.

"I want you to tell me exactly what has happened." Damon said stroking my hair in a soothing and calming manner.

"Well last night I got this horrible text from some stranger." I began.

"Why did you not tell me?"His voice was laced with anger .He was trying to get his temper under control.

"I didn't think it mattered till I got more of them today just now." I sobbed out.

"Where is you phone?"He inquired.

"I-In my purse."

He reached for my purse,took my phone and slipped it into his jacket pocket while whispering to me that everything was going to be ok.

The question is,was it?

Was everything really going to be ok like Damon said?

I did not proof read this and sorry it's so short.

Can you guess who this mystery person is?

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Apologies .This book will be on hold till further notice.I hope to be back by April.

Thank you guys.


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