Solutions: Chapter 14: What is that doing here?

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The goodbyes said between Jim Shannon and his family was sad. Laura felt for the kids and saw their concerned and frightened expressions as both their parents headed off to perform a mission that their father might not come back from.

"Why are they sad?" Sienna asked, staring up at Laura with large brown eyes. Her orange shirt hanging down over her blue shorts, but at least both of her shoes had been tied.

"Their daddy is going away on a difficult mission." She leaned down and smiled at the young girl. "I'll bet you were sad when your mother went away."

Sienna nodded, hugging her doll.

"Want to try and cheer them up?" Laura extended her hand. Sienna smiled and took it. "Hey," she called as she approached the Shannon children. "How would you guys like to take a walk and see the new brachiosaurus herd?"

Zoe's face brightened.

"That's where Bola is, right?" Maddy asked.

"Yes." Laura gave the three a smile.

"How are we going to get there?" Josh looked doubtful.

Laura smiled, noticing that Sheba still slept. No need to wake the cat. "Oh, I think I can wrangle a rover."


A couple of hours later, they pulled into the valley where the herd happily munched on tree tops. Locating Bola, Laura parked the Rover, and checked to make certain they had water and some snacks with them.

"Let's go." She grabbed her canteen and a protein bar.

Getting out, they walked toward the dinosaur. Bola leaned his head down and huffed, lightly bumping Laura. She patted his neck. "Good to see you too." Both Zoe and Sienna touched him before dodging away and hiding behind her.

"Which one is his girlfriend?" Maddy shaded her eyes, staring off over the dozen or so giants.

"That one." Laura pointed at the female nibbling some branches not far away. "She isn't used to humans."

Josh cocked his head. "Guess she's pretty for a dinosaur."

"Bola thinks so." Laura grinned. "I'd say they're going to lay eggs soon."

Maddy started. "Really?"

"Yep." She pointed to an area near the edge of a steep cliff. The ground had been cleared and rocks piled around it. "They've made a nest."

"That's what that is?" Josh rubbed his neck as sweat rolled off his forehead.

"Make sure you're drinking water," Laura reminded him.

He made a face, but pulled out his canteen and took a drink.

"Come on. Let's see if we can find a good place to watch." They found a good sized tree and climbed up, the two younger girls actually managing better than the teens.

"Come on, Josh and Maddy," Zoe teased. "You're too slow."

Sienna found a branch and settled in. Zoe joined her and the girls giggled as they whispered to each other. At least the doll had been left in the rover and she didn't have to worry about retrieving it, in the event Dolly got dropped.

"Should we be worried about Carnos or..." Maddy began.

"You don't have enough meat on you." Josh punched his sister's arm.

She rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

The valley spread out before them and a slight breeze rustled through the trees. Laura glanced up at the blue sky, hoping the weather didn't change. White clouds floated past. None looked like they carried rain.

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