Solutions: Chapter 13: How's the War Going?

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"How's the war going?" Allen asked as Laura joined him and his daughter for dinner. The air smelled of sizzling meat, sweet flowers and sometimes a musky scent he couldn't identify.

"Not good for our invaders." Laura smiled as she sat down. "They've taken out several convoys and patrols."

"Hate fighting," he mumbled as he expertly turned the meat. In another pot berries simmered. The fruit had turned into a great sauce for the various dinosaur steaks they'd eaten.

"We all do." Laura helped herself to some coffee and made a face.

"Don't like it?" Allen had made it himself.

"It's fine." She took another sip. "I'm almost going to miss this when we get back to Terra Nova."

"Miss it? How could anyone miss this?" He checked on is daughter who sat playing with her doll near their tent. "I would like to have a real bed to sleep in."

"Might take a while."

"Where's that cat of yours?" His cousin had returned from her visit to Bola and the herd alone.

"She's hunting."

"You trust her to come back?"

"She's a wild animal. I never forget that."

"Taylor left earlier in a Rover. I tried to find out where, but his soldiers wouldn't say."

"Probably a mission. Nothing we need to worry about."

"He puts our lives at risk every time..."

"Our lives are at risk anyway, cousin. Or do you want us all to lose this second chance?"


Morning dawned and with it a bright sun overhead along with warmth along her back. Laura turned slightly in her sleeping a bag and smiled. Sheba slumbered there.

"Happy to see you." Laura lightly pet the saber cat's head and got up. Outside the camp buzzed with noise and it took her by surprise to discover that the Shannon family had joined them.

Jim Shannon started at seeing her. "I thought everyone was back in Terra Nova."

"I was OTG when the attack went down. Ran across the army coming and watched as a pack of carnos had fun with the device they were transporting."

"Heard about that."

"Hi Laura!" Zoe bounced up to her. "Bola around?"

"Nope. He joined another herd. Found himself a girlfriend."

Maddy asked, "What about Sheba?"

Laura pointed to the tent. "She's sleeping after hunting last night."

"Where's your cousin?" Jim glanced around.

"If you're asking about Barnabas, not sure. He took off after the sun set last night and we haven't seen him since."

Sienna appeared from her tent, dressed in shorts and top. She hugged her doll.

"Your daddy still sleeping?" Laura knew the girl tended to be shy around strangers.

She nodded, trying to hide partway behind the tent opening.

"Sienna, this is the Shannon family. I think Zoe might be about the same age as you."

Zoe grinned and walked over to the other girl. "Hi."


"That your doll?"

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