Solutions: Chapter 9: They're headed for where?

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"Everyone accounted for?" Taylor asked Wash. He took off his gloves and tossed them on top of glass covering of his dinosaur head table.

"Except Laura Collins and her cousin Barnabas. They're OTG overnight." She stood before the table, waiting for his response.

"Those Collins have a mind of their own." The commander shook his head. "Give any idea when they'll be back tomorrow?"

"No sir. Said they were going to teach her cat to hunt."

He shook his head and sat down indicating his second in command should do the same. "Let's hope they get back before or if anything happens tomorrow. Otherwise, they might be stuck OTG indefinitely."

Wash smiled. "I suspect Laura can handle herself."

"Of that I have no doubt. Her cousin though, with his sun allergy I'm not too sure about."

"He looked pretty well covered when they left."

"No idea why he came here and didn't stay in 2149."

Wash didn't answer. He didn't expect her to.

"How's the chow tonight?" he asked.

"Not bad," Wash answered. "Some sort of barbeque."

"Sounds good. Hungry?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. After we eat I suggest a good night's sleep. I suspect we'll need it."


Kara stood nervously with the other pilgrims, waiting for the gate to open and to start her new life in Terra Nova. She had no idea how Josh had managed it and was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend again.

She noticed the well-dressed man with a little girl being pulled to the side. Hopefully, they wouldn't be delayed long. They disappeared and she felt a pang for them. It would be awful to come this far only to be told you couldn't go.

Shifting from one foot to the other, she looked around at the others. Several families stood together, each member carrying a pack. A few singles, probably specialists, shaking hands, greeting each other and smiling.

A man pushed through to stand near her, his coat tightly pulled around him. His eyes darted around, as if trying to discover if anyone had noticed him. Quickly she looked down, pretending to be interested in the iron laced ramp, yet still keeping an eye on him.

Loud noise started and Kara smiled her excitement mounting. The portal had opened. In a few minutes, she'd see Josh again.


Allen and Sienna had been led to a large back area. Soldiers stood at ease either talking to each other or checking their weapons. Expectancy hovered in the air and Allen swallowed, well aware of what these men intended to do.

"Quite a sight." The dark haired man smiled. "I'm Weaver."

The name sounded familiar. If his admin had been there, he would have asked her to look the name up. He hoped with the money he'd left her, she'd live a comfortable life for as long the as the planet could support humans.

"Obviously, you know who I am," he answered.

"Of course. Lucas!" He waved a younger man over. "Lucas, say hello to Allen Collins. Mr. Collins this is Lucas Taylor."

"You're the one my employers want protected, despite not approving of their plans." Lucas's tone was condescending. He had a scar on his neck and wore slightly dirty clothing.

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