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Fajeer Dassai chewed his nails.

The gnawing was a nervous habit, each fingertip a bloody crescent as he continued the assault. Dassai sat at his desk and mused over the plan as he had countless times before. Was Arzani good enough? Could he follow through completely? Did it even matter?

Dassai forced these doubts from his mind. After all, he had used lesser men for similar assignments. Certainly Arzani would prove equal to the task, and all would go well.

Where was the man? Fucking Mirani. Islanders—not a one of them could tell time to save his life. Still, Arzani was better than most, and had been chosen in part because of his close attention to detail. That, and he could be bought. Dassai had set the meeting in the evening, well after nightfall, to reduce any chance of delay. He didn't like to wait.

The knock on the door came an hour later.

"He's here." The voice from the other room was a low, raspy whisper.

Dassai quickly scribbled a note to himself. Setting down the kalan reed pen, he stayed in his chair a moment before he stood and made his way to the door. He turned the handle.

"Send him in."

Niccolo Arzani was tall, gaunt, and so pale Dassai wondered if he was perhaps a ghul or other undead thing. Black, tangled hair draped his neck and shadowed his eyes, framing a sharp-etched face with an angular nose and thin lips.

His ugliness served Arzani well; it allowed him to focus on his duties and remain free of sexual temptation. He'd been chosen by Dassai specifically for his post, and had become one of Galliresse's most trusted advisors.

"You're late," Dassai said as Arzani followed him across the room.

Arzani simply nodded, an apparent apology.

Dassai sat once more behind the desk. "So," he said languidly. "Tell me, did our lord take the bait?" He leaned back and awaited Arzani's response.

"Yes, and why should he not?" Arzani replied. "He has entrusted himself to the wisest of his counselors, and will rely on the expertise of the Jassaj  to see that the summoners are stopped."

Arzani seated himself in the chair across from Dassai's desk. From a small table next to it, he took a glass of wine and sipped. He savored it with a sigh, nodding thanks to his host.

Cradling the wineglass in his skeletal hands, Arzani said, "He has great faith in you and Munif." He paused, allowing Dassai time to grasp the irony of his statement.

"Then all is as planned," Dassai said. "And you, my friend, will be our greatest benefactor." He ran his long, thin fingers through his cropped graying hair.

Arzani's lips twitched at the sight, but he said nothing.

 "Do you have much concern that Munif and the others will live?" he asked.

"No; the end is near," Dassai said. "I have no doubt about this, assuming you have performed your task... flawlessly."

Arzani's eyebrows arched as he shot Dassai a quick, angryglare. "I have complete confidence in those who I have placed in charge."

Dassai gave him a mirthless grin, revealing white teeth. "Then we have nothing with which to concern ourselves, do we?"

Arzani shrugged. "No... no, we don't."

Dassai continued, "Three more agents will join Munif once he arrives in Tivisis. These men are to follow the Carac to a safe house and then report back to Munif."

"According to your instructions," Arzani said.

"Yes, we will lead them to the old quarter and end it there. Munif and the others will trouble us no more."

Dassai continued to observe the other man's demeanor. He understood that Niccolo Arzani wanted to wrest control from Galliresse and place himself in his stead. However, Dassai wondered if he could actually succeed in doing it.

"I sense some doubt from you," Dassai said.

"What if something should go awry?" Arzani asked. "These men are not to be trifled with, especially Munif. Should they survive, you and I will be exposed."

"Your only duty is to lure them into the trap. Do not concern yourself with any other matter, my friend. The summoners and I shall attend to the rest. Leave the fate of Munif to me," Dassai said.

"For both our sakes, I hope you're right," Arzani said as he stood to leave.

Dassai paused for a moment, allowing Arzani to reach the door and place his pale fingers on the handle.

"Now... as to the matter of my payment...."

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