Chapter 24

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(Note:John and Stu have now been at the motel for a week and events are now taking place at the same time)

John and Stu lied on the bed watching the Ed Sullivan show.

John suddenly turned to Stu and did a bad impression. "Shtu, may we pleashe watch shomething elshe?"

Stu laughed, and flipped to other channels. They landed on one that looked interesting, and started watching it. There were a group of people gathered in a crowd, looking towards the screen. They all were yelling and holding up signs that read terrible things.




John and Stu both cringed. Stu was about to change the channel when John put his hand on Stu's arm, still intently staring at the screen. "Wait."

Stu looked at John worriedly. He hadn't thought that John might be one of those people. He seemed to be watching the screen very interestedly.

The screen flashed to another crowd of people, this time holding up welcoming signs.




Stu smiled, and looked at John. John was smiling, too, and that made Stu feel relieved. The T.V. showed the two groups from the side, screaming at each other as cops pushed them apart.

The news announcer finally spoke.

"This is all going down at an Acceptance Demonstration in Western Liverpool. The place was full of peace protesters for equal rights, and the scene was soon swarmed by anti-gay protesters."

John rolled his eyes. "Ugh, those people. I can't stand them."

Stu gulped. "Uh, what people?"

John noticed Stu's nervousness, and shook his head. "Oh, no, not gay people! I mean the people against them!"

Stu smiled relaxedly. "Oh. Yeah, ok."

"Anyway, if I didn't like queer people, then that would be pretty hypocritical of me, now wouldn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, being me."

Stu just kept staring at John not understanding what he was trying to get through to him. John threw his hands up in exasperation.

"I'm gay, Stu!" John yelled. "Jesus, is it not obvious?"

Stu looked very shocked, but continued to respond normally. "Not really, no."


"We could, uh, make it more obvious if you want." Stu looked a strange mixture of nervous and determined.

"What? What does that m-" John was cut off by Stu's swift movement. He pulled John's face into his, and forced lips against lips. They stayed there for a whole minute. Stu finally pulled away, and John was left awestruck.


Stu smiled, blushing, and wiped his lips with his sleeve. "Yeah, wow."

They both sat there laughing for what felt like forever.

Paul sat down at the kitchen table and  looked at George and Ringo.

"And I've loved him ever since I saw him perform at the church. But obviously it would never work out. I mean, he always seemed to be with chicks. Which makes sense, because at a time like this, it's best if you just ignore your tendencies. So, I started meeting birds, and then he always seemed strange towards me after that."

George and Ringo nodded.

"And I would've never guessed he'd been sabotaging all of my relationships because he was jealous of the girls and not jealous of me, so I, I, shut him out." Paul facepalmed. "And now he might be hurt, or, or much worse."

George looked at Paul assuringly, and spoke. "Well, I'm pretty sure he's absolutely fine."

Paul looked up at George with wide eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, he came by before, and took his stuff. Before he did, he told us he was beaten up in an alley. That wallet was probably still there from before. He's probably fine right now."

Paul stared at George confused. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Which part?"

"All of it! Paul flung his hands up in the air.

"Ok, well, John got dragged into an alley by a gang on his walk home from the hospital. They took his wallet, and were about to beat him to death."

Paul gasped at almost every word. "I knew it, it's all my fault. But what happened, how'd John get out of there. Did he beat them all up?" Paul smiled a little.

Ringo laughed, which made Paul frown. George continued to explain everything.

"Uh, no. He fainted. But, Stu came in with a baseball bat and saved him. He dragged him back to his house and took care of him."

"Oh." Paul now looked slightly jealous. "But he's okay now, is he?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. They told me a week ago they were going to live at Billy's."

Ringo chimed in. "He told us."

George rolled his eyes. "He told us he was going to Billy's with Stu, and he took all his stuff. So he's probably still there, safe and sound. Well, unless you count all the bedbugs and hookers." George mumbled the last sentence.

"And where was I? Why didn't you tell me where he was?" Paul was frustrated.

"You were out shopping or something during that time. And I didn't tell you he came because you were still mad at him at that time." George shrugged "I didn't want to be the one to get you mad."

Paul stood and took a deep breath, then let all the air out. "Alright, I'm going to get him. I'm going to apologize for overreacting, then he'll come home."

George and Ringo both looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Paul saw their faces. "I am! I can forgive people that quickly!"

And with that, Paul turned on his heels and walked out the front door.

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