Chapter 5

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Marla growled. "He's ours."

"He's not." John growled back.

Marla suddenly walked over to George and heaved him off the floor. She wrapped her arm around his body and held her knife up to his neck. "He's ours. Isn't that right Georgie, babe?" George stared at John and pleaded with his eyes for him to leave.

All the girls gasped as soon as Marla put the knife up to his neck.

"Marla, are you crazy?!" Shouted one of them.

"Yeah, what are you doing?!"

"Leave him alone!"

"Marla, we thought we were just having fun with him?!"

"Yeah, why do you even have a knife?!"

Marla turned to all of them and started screaming her head off. "He's mine! I love him, and he belongs to me! I don't care who I have to kill!"

All the girls backed away and immediately ran for the basement door. After a few seconds, all the girls had left.

John inched closer towards Marla.
"Marla, don't be crazy." John said calmly. "Nobody wants to get hurt. Let's just be on our own separate ways and forget this ever happened."

"Yeah, ok!" Grinned Marla devilishly. "You'll be on your way home, and I'll be here having fun with my new hubby." She laughed crazily.

Then, she did something disgusting. She licked George face all the way from his chin to his ear. John cringed as he watched George shudder and start trembling.

"Marla, I've already called the police." John lied. "You're going to jail, but how long you'll be in there depends on what you do right now. Let. Him. Go."

"I know you're bluffing, the cops aren't coming. Now leave, or I kill him right in front of your very eyes."

"Marla. We both know that if you really love him, you'll let him go."

He moved closer to Marla, but then stopped suddenly. Marla slashed upward and cut George's cheek back open. He screamed, and his eyes teared up.

"Don't come any closer!" She screamed.

John tried to maintain a calm voice as he watched George's face. Blood was running from his reopened wound, and mixing with the tears running from his eyes.

"Marla, please. He doesn't want to be here. Look at him."

Marla glared at him, then slowly looked at George's face. She saw complete fear. She turned back to John.

"He's just scared because I cut him. Here, look."

She held the knife back up to the cut, and pressed it deeper into his cheek. George's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he collapsed. John cringed as he fell but then noticed he accidentally knocked the knife out of Marla's hand. Before Marla could get a chance to bend down and grab her knife, John threw himself at her. He knocked her down, and held up his piece of glass. She shielded her face with her hands. After waiting a few seconds to be stabbed, she took her hands from her face and stated at him.

"I'm not gonna stab you." He said. "I'm not a monster."

With that, he dropped the piece of glass on the floor. John stood up and walked over to George. He picked up the knife and put it in his pocket. Then he knelt down over George.

"Geo? You okay, buddy?"

No answer.

He looked at George's cheek. It was really bad. When George had passed out, he had knocked the knife out of her hand, but in the worst way possible. A bleeding cut now spread all the way from his original cut, now super deep, all the way to his ear. It looked really bad. His cheek and chin were covered in blood, and his face was ghostly white.

After a few seconds, George suddenly jolted upward and started yelling. John lied him back down and stroked his hair. George stared at John with upmost fear and cried.

" Help me, please."

John spoke softly "I will, George, I will. Don't wor-"

George's eyes rolled back into the back of his head, and he passed out again.

All of a sudden there were sirens sounding outside. After a minute, cops came through the basement door pointing guns at Marla.

John held on to George as tight as he could as he watched the cops handcuff Marla. He took the knife out of his pocket and tried to hand it to the cop standing over him and George. The cop didn't take it. He was too busy staring at George with terror.

"We need to get him to a hospital immediately!" The cop said as he turned towards the other cops who weren't busy handling Marla.

John felt a hand on his back.

"You need to let go, we need to take him to the hospital." The cop said.

John clutched George harder. "Who are you? Is he gonna be alright?"

The cop hesitated. "He'll be fine. Let go. I'm police cheif Davey."

"No. He needs to come home with me! He needs to be with his friends!" John yelled.

The cop motioned something to the other cops. They immediately ran up to John and started pulling him away from George.

"No!" John screamed. "He needs to be with me! He doesn't want to go with you. He said he wants my help!"

The police yanked him harder and harder. He screamed louder and louder. Davey started lifting George onto his feet. John broke free of the cops' holds and started swinging at Davey as he was holding George.

"Stop him!" Yelled Davey to the other cops.

John suddenly felt a hard object hit the back of his head. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Davey dragging George away.

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