Chapter 23

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"Ah!" Paul screamed as something came flying at him. A stray cat had pounced on him, and had started digging his claws into his face.

"Get off! Ahhhhhh!"

Paul kept tugging at the cat. No luck. He kept trying to smack it, but the cay just kept scratching at his face. Paul ran around in circles flailing his arms and shrieking. Then the cat climbed onto Paul's hair. It started clawing at it. It completely messed up his hair. Paul froze.

"Not." He grabbed the cat as tight as he could.

"My." He ripped the cat off his hair.

"Hair!!!!!!!" He drop kicked the cat to the other end of the alley.

Then, he spent 20 minutes looking into a puddle and fixing his hair. After he successfully got it back to its usual flawless state, he spent another 5 minutes staring into the puddle.

"Look at you, you sexy beast. Was just mauled by a savage cat, and still look hot." He winked at himself. Then he suddenly snapped out of it. "Oh, shit! I've been in this alley for, like, 30 minutes!" He started to walk away, when something caught his eye. A wallet was lying on the ground. He bent over and picked it up. When he opened it, he gasped.

It was John's. What was it doing in the alley? Was he okay?

Paul was super scared, and automatically assuming John was in trouble, ran home to get help.

John stood still for a second. Thwn, he frantically whipped his head around looking for Stu. The crowd of girls was getting closer to him. He looked at the ground and saw an empty beer bottle. He grabbed it off the ground and smashed it against the wall.

A bunch of the girls screamed, and they skidded to a halt. John stabbed at the air in front of them, and they started bolting away shrieking. John laughed and sighed in relief. All of a sudden, he became anxious again. Stu.

He sprinted around to the side of the building Stu went around. He froze, Stu was on the floor unconscious, and two girls were hovering over him. John yelled at them angrily.

"Bloody christ!!" He almost ripped the hair out of his head. "Why is every freaking bird in this city a horny psychopath!"

He started to charge at the girls, when they both put up their hands in defense.

"No! Stop!" One girl said.

The other one spoke. "Yeah, we're trying to help him!"

John skidded to a stop and became confused.

"So you're not trying to stab him, or lick him, or tear his clothes off?"

Both girls sneered. "Ew. No. Why would anyone do that?"

John shrugged. "You tell me. But first, who are you, and why is Stu on the floor?"

The first girl spoke again. "I'm Ashley."

The second one answered too. "I'm Ava. We're friends and we live nearby."

Ashley quickly butted in. "And your friend is on the floor because we were chasing him. He got scared, tripped, and hit his head on the ground."

"Our bad. We recognized him from the Quarrymen." Ava blushed.

John nodded skeptically. "Uh-huh. Alright, that explains it. Um, do you mind helping me?"

The girls started smiling and looked at each other mischievously. "Alright!" They both giggled in unison.

A few seconds later, John was opening the door to their room. Both girls were working together to carry the unconscious Stu in, and carefully plopped him on the bed.

"Alright, thanks girls!" John smiled at them. "Come here anytime. We'll be here."

The girl's walked out giggling and blushing and closed the door behind them.

John sat down next to Stu and ran his hand through Stu's hair. "Poor guy. You've been through a lot, buddy, but I'm here for you."

Paul knocked frantically on his own front door. George opened it slowly, and flinched as Paul started screaming in his face. "John's in trouble!"

Ringo's head popped into the doorway. "What?"

Paul held up John's wallet. "I found this in an alleyway."

George took the wallet, and looked at it strangely. "Oh. Yeah, that's his alright."

Ringo took a lot at it too, and started laughing. Paul took it back and looked in the wallet. He hadn't noticed this before, but along with a goofy photo of John, there were also tons of photos of him in it. He stared at them, and saw that hearts had been drawn in on the pictures in pen. Paul felt really warm inside.

"So it's true. The cop wasn't just speaking nonsense." Paul slowly looked up at George and Ringo.

"Is John in love with me?" He frowned.

George and Ringo both cringed, looked at each other, then slowly nodded at Paul.

Paul put his head in his hands and spoke dissapointedly. "And I've been in love with him, too. Without even knowing."

George and Ringo's jaws both dropped down to the floor.

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