Chapter 13

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John slowly woke up to find that it was slightly dark outside. A few hours had passed. John looked down to see Paul still in his arms. John turned pale, but then smiled when he looked closer. Paul was breathing gently, and was smiling slightly. He was conscious again, but had fallen asleep.

John tried to slowly get up so as to not wake up Paul. He was too heavy, so John had too use all his strength and speed to lift himself up. The movement had woken Paul up, and he looked up sleepily at John.

"Johnny? Where are we? Are we still in the backyard?" He said yawning.

John looked at him. "Still?"

Paul blushed slightly. "Uh...yeah. I, er, woke up a while ago, but then saw that you were holding me. I didn't want to wake you, so I went to sleep."

"Oh." John was blushing now, too.

John carried Paul inside, and laid him down on the living room couch. Paul smiled up at John and yawned.

"I feel terrible. I feel like I fell from a window and landed on two hard-ass arms." Paul laughed gently as his eyelids starting slowly drooping.

John laughed too. "Yeah. And I feel like a body fell on top of me and I landed on a giant pile of glass shards."

Paul eyes suddenly flew open and he quickly sat up.

"Whoa. Paul, what's wro-" John tried to lay Paul back down, but Paul just stared at John with worriedness.

"John! Are you ok?! Turn around!" Paul demanded.

John put up his hands and laughed. "Alright, whatever you say, Mimi."

John turned around and Paul gasped.

"John! The back of your shirt is covered in pieces of glass!"

"Oh. Ok. I'll take them out later."

Paul stood up and started to sit John down on the couch.

"Lie down on your belly. I'm gonna get them out."

John laughed and reluctantly lied stomach-down on the couch. Paul reached for a tiny piece of glass and easily pulled it out of the back of John's shirt. Then he started tugging on a bigger piece and John screamed.

"What's wrong?!" Paul yelped. He looked at John to see his eyes slightly watering.

"Nothing. Just keep going." John muttered.

"No. Take your shirt off, and then I'll take the glass out without you having to lie there."

John got up. He hesitated then took his shirt off slowly. Paul noticed that when John took the shirt off and handed it to Paul, there were many less pieces of glass on the shirt now. But none of the pieces were on the couch or floor.

"John." Paul said slowly. "Turn around."

John flinched, then turned around slowly. Paul screeched and stared frightened at John's back. There were tons of pieces of glass stabbed deep into John's back. Blood was trickling from all of them. It looked nauseating.

"I'm fine." John said in a very strange voice. "It doesn't hurt that much."

"John, this looks terrible. I think we need a doctor. We might need to gas you or something before we pull these out. You're going to lose a lot of blood."

John stared at Paul blankly for a few seconds. He then had a slight gag reflex. He turned white, then forced a smile and nodded.

Paul laughed. "John, my little soldier. So big and stro-"

John's eyes suddenly rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed on the floor.

"Oh my god!" Paul rushed to pick him up and start heaving him to the front door.

"Come on, Johnny boy. You can make it to the hospital." Paul said out loud even though John couldn't hear him.

He lied John down on his stomach across the back seats, and lied John's shirt on top of his back. Then he got into the driver's seat and drove off down the street heading towards the hospital.

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