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It is the final chapter! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH

I attempted humor in this chapter. Be very afraid. I know I am! Also, the end is a LITTLE anti-climatic, but... Eh. :3

I want to thank each and every one of you for your support, your reads and your votes/comments, it means so much to me and I'm so happy to have written a fic you all could enjoy. This has been a huge learning experience for me and I hope to apply such skills to my future works. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Ya'll are the best.

To Fallen ~ Thank you so much for your kind words and support! 


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: Hah! Ahahahahah! *wipes tears from eyes* As if I owned Yu-Gi-Oh! I do own the fic's plot doe. Well, most of it.



Chapter Sixteen: Forevermore

Six Weeks Later...

"Have you been doing your range of motion exercises?"

"Yes sir, every day."

"Excellent." his doctor (Yuugi was ashamed that he forgot his name, it was just so long and hard to pronounce) flipped through the charts on his clipboard and peered at Yuugi over the rims of his moon-spectacled glasses. His thin lips bloomed into a kind smile as he set the clipboard to the side. "Are you ready Yuugi?"

"Yep!" Yuugi eagerly held out his leg and let the doctor prop it atop his own knee. Yuugi caught Atemu's stare from across the room and smiled cheerfully at him, earning a soft smile in return.

The doctor didn't bother to reply, instead letting his hands speak for him. He expertly loosened the bands around Yuugi's boot and slowly slide the infernal device off. Yuugi released the breath he'd been holding when sweet, delicious air glided across his bare skin. He smoothed out his gym shorts and wriggled his toes, shaking his foot. There wasn't any pain anymore, only a light, airy feeling that Yuugi could only attribute to the leg being out of commission for so long.

Doctor What's-His-Face chuckled at Yuugi's expression and packed up the boot and set the clipboard on top of it, taking the crutches in his other hand. He eyed Yuugi's Yami carefully and smiled knowingly. "I'll just take these to my nurses. A nurse will return shortly with your papers and you're free to go, Yuugi."

Yuugi tossed him a grateful 'thank you' as he left before returning his gaze to his now uninjured leg. God, after eight long weeks of torture...

A sunkissed hand entered his field of vision. Yuugi followed the limb to the ever watchful, loving face of his boyfriend. "Let's give you a test run, shall we Aibou?"

Yuugi eagerly took his hand and let the elder man pull him to his feet. Atemu took a step backward, still holding his hand, and continued the pace when Yuugi followed after him. After a few circles in the tiny exam room Yuugi released a brilliant smile -- a squeal may or may not have been included -- and jumped into Atemu's arms. Both laughed at his antics as Atemu spun Yuugi around and gently set him back on his feet.

"Look at you Aibou, good as new!"

"It's about time!" He took a step away from Atemu and twirled around. "I missed walking, running even! I know I'mma regret saying that but still!" It felt so good to be able to use both of his feet again, almost liberating. Yuugi wasn't 'held down' by his crutches anymore and could finally move like he used to. It was such a free feeling; he was never taking walking for granted ever again.

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