Nothing of Consequence

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Wow, can you guys believe it? Only a handful of chapters left!

Heba: It's about damn time! I'm soooo done being a girl!

;-; My muse hates me...


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: As if I actually owned Yu-Gi-Oh!... *sigh* I wish, though. Yuugi's simply too cute. :3



Chapter Thirteen: Nothing of Consequence

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

There had been another river in the valley below, conveniently underneath the cliff Atemu had fallen from. Scattered and broken pieces of rock were situated carelessly around the river's bank and were slowly being taken away by the water.

Heba hadn't seen a body, and that gave her reckless hope. It flowed through her with wild abandon and refused to be quelled by the severity of the situation. 'Could it be possible..?' She had to believe it were, the alternative was beyond the scope of what she could handle otherwise. It didn't matter if the hope may be even falsely misplaced, Heba had to know what became of Atemu. She had to believe he was still alive!

Heba, determined, stood with her feet planted firmly apart and growled inaudibly at the still cackling Thief King up above. He caught her look and his monster flashed brightly for a quick moment then returned to its place in the DiaDhank. Bakura spoke before she or the other two could say anything.

"Thank you, thank you my good people. It was a pleasure to have such a willing audience. I'm afraid that is the end of tonight's show but don't worry - the best is yet to come!" Bakura laughed ominously and, holding the Millennium Puzzle in his fist, retreated into the shadows of the high cliff. Mana raised her wand and sent a shock of icy blue magic where Bakura had disappeared and muttered under her breath when the spell froze the rock wall instead.

Jono approached cautiously, worriedly, checking Heba for any signs of an impending emotional breakdown. "Heba..?"

Heba sensed the underlying question and shook her head. No, she was not alright and no, she didn't want to talk about it. Her love had most likely - Ra forbid it - departed (Heba had to keep the tears from falling at the thought) and, even though it had been a day since they'd confessed, it felt like they'd been intimate for eons. Losing Atemu was simply not an option.

It wasn't even up for consideration.

"So, what now?" Mana asked. Her voice was thick with raw emotion and her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Heba pointed in the direction of the river. Something tugged her in its direction, something warm and calming, and she trusted it. "Atemu could've fallen in." Heba stated simply, surprising herself with how calm she sounded. "I say we follow the river."

"Heba, from that height--"

"I know Jono, but we have to. Please." Heba gazed pleadingly at her two friends, who, upon exchanging a look, nodded back at her. Without another word the trio returned to their horses and found a path down. Heba's heart hammered with desperation. Silently she prayed, hoping beyond hope Atemu was alive and well. Dark thoughts swarmed, constantly barraging her mind with images of a soaked Atemu broken, battered, bleeding... Alone...

'I will never leave you alone!' Heba promised with a firm nod. Her large eyes narrowed as she forced the dark images away. She had to stay strong. Atemu would be just fine, all she had to do was not think of such depressing things.

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