And I, You

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So, that ending huh? Hah, hah... yeah... I've learned my lesson. Never doing that again. It's just as well I suppose, this chapter does need all the fluff it can get. A calm before the storm, if you will ;)

My apologies for yet another late delay, I had AP testing this past week.


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!


(There's so much fluff, I just can't even anymore.)


Chapter Eleven: And I, You

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

Her anger had died the moment her confession tumbled from her lips. Heba blinked, face contorting into an indescribable mix between horror and fear. Her lips parted as she fought to take in air. How could she have let herself reveal her true feelings like that? They were in the middle of an argument for goodness sake! Sure, yeah, her mouth had a tendency to run before her brain could catch up, but this!

Heba deflated, the fight in her gone. Her shoulders fell as she clasped her hands and lowered her head. "I'm sorry." Heba whispered, biting her trembling lower lip. She should've had better control over herself. This awkward situation wouldn't have happened if she'd just kept her mouth shut. Now look at where they were. Heba felt her shoulders droop even lower when the silence stretched on for what seemed like hours (it only had to have been several seconds). Their friendship, if not ruined, would forever be awkward now - and it was all her fault. She waited to hear a barking laugh, or even a stammered rejection, but none ever came.

Instead, warm arms wrapped around her lithe body and pulled her close. Heba took in a sharp breath, overtaken with surprise. She breathed in his familiar scent of cinnamon and relaxed in his hold, feeling the warmth he radiated envelop her like a blanket. Atemu's hair tickled her ear and she could feel the heavy weight of his earring press gently into her cheek.

"Don't be." Atemu murmured in her ear, just barely loud enough for her to hear. Heba shivered at the feel of his breath along her skin. The Pharaoh tightened his hold on her, leaving no room between their bodies for Heba to escape. The Millennium Puzzle pressed gently against their sides, having been moved out of the way to accommodate her. "I never thought I'd hear you say that, Habibti."

Heba froze, mouth agape in astonishment. Water sprang to Heba's large eyes, filling to the brim with hot tears. Atemu had called her habibti. My love. She really, truly hoped she heard that right. This couldn't be a dream. The gods must be playing a cruel trick on her.

Atemu pulled back and, seeing her tears, leaned in close and rested his forehead against hers. Heba's breathing hitched as he cupped her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe away the water that threatened to spill through her eyelashes - quite like what she'd done to him when his father had died. Only this time, Heba knew, it wasn't to mourn with her. No, this was something else entirely. She could see it in his eyes.

His wonderful, wise eyes. They glistened with raw emotion, showcasing the feelings she knew Atemu would only ever show in private. The anger that had once filled his crimson eyes had been replaced with soft yearning and brilliant hope. Another emotion, even more intense, shined brightly at her and Heba knew - although she couldn't believe it - what it was. So much was held in his eyes that Heba could only guess as to what he felt on the inside. The feeling was so powerful she felt as though she were watching the sun rise.

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