A Most Dangerous Game

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News! You'll have to wait 'til the end of the chapter though!

Dedicated to the lovely @N_Akinari03 Thank you for the motivation AND inspiration, girlie!


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: blah blah I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh blah.



Chapter Twelve: A Most Dangerous Game

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

"He won't give in easily!"

Bakura grinned toothily at the High Priest struggling underneath him. "Why do you defend the Pharaoh so, Priest? I think you forget that with this item," Bakura tapped the golden ring hanging around his neck, "I can pinpoint the very darkness in your soul. I can tell you every single one of your deepest, darkest desires if I wanted. I could lay them all bare for the world to see. However, only one matters to me.

"You, for so long, have stood in your brother's shadow, always put in the background and wishing to be given the limelight just once. You've bottled your jealously, foolishly believing serving the Pharaoh was reward enough and never realizing just how long your anger would be left to simmer and grow. What would you do if I told you your greatest wish could be granted?"

The Priest stopped struggling and Bakura chuckled. He had the old man right where he wanted him. Bakura leaned down, holding the tip of his dagger close to the man's golden eye. It gleamed in the firelight, almost seeming to wink at the thief. It was so tempting to just take the Eye right then, but doing so would ruin everything. He'd have to wait. It was already proving to be well worth it, anyway.

"I believe seeing your son on the throne would warm that cold heart of yours, would it not?"

The man's gray eyes opened wide with fear. "H-how did-"

The cackle that answered the Priest was terrifying. "Let's just say I have friends in all the right places, Priest. Now, how about a little... partnership, hmm? Tell me what I need to know and I'll give you the chance to rule over a reborn Egypt, perhaps even a new world, with your son by your side."

Bakura was brimming with smug satisfaction as the Priest considered the idea. This man was after the thief's own cruel heart; it took someone incalculably angry and filled with resentment to consider turning on one's own family, their own blood, so quickly. He now saw why the Dark One wanted this man alive.

How delightfully diabolical it was. All of it.

"I see you still need time to consider this." Bakura clucked his tongue, tsking repeatedly. "For shame, sir. You are wasting a golden opportunity." Bakura stood, keeping a foot pressed firmly in the man's sternum. "But that's quite alright, such a decision does require a lot of thought. You know where to find me when you make your choice." Bakura grinned maliciously when the man gasped. Akhenadin knew exactly where to go.

And come he would. The old man was Bakura's new minion, after all.

A horn was blared in alarm, accompanied by two more a few seconds later. Bakura sighed, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "And that, I'm afraid, is my queue. Until we meet again, partner." Bakura walked away with a cheery whistle, his red cloak flaring behind him, and gestured for his dark henchmen to follow. The six creatures, for that was what they truly were, followed without a sound.

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