Answers Lead to Theories

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Wah-Lah! Chapter Five! Dun dun DUN!

So I just realized I used Odion instead of Rishid XD. So much for the Japanese names. Oh well ^^



//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! No matter how flawless Jaden claims he is.


Chapter Five: Answers Lead to Theories

Domino, Japan, Present Day

The house was quiet that morning, more so than Yuugi was used to. The bright early morning rays of sunlight trickled through the skylight in the hallway and rested on the phone socketed in the wall. His bare feet made no sound against the carpet as he padded to the phone. Yuugi made to grab the phone and paused. He did some mental math and sighed. Egypt was seven hours behind Japan. The Ishtar clan would be asleep right now, as would Jii-chan. There was no way Yuugi was going to wake them up, that'd be just plain rude; Yuugi didn't want to be the reason why Ishizu or Jii-chan didn't get any sleep. Yuugi sighed and dropped his hand. As much as he didn't want to, he'd wait for later.

However, there was always one thing he could do in the mean time...

Determination set in and Yuugi smiled jubilantly. It may not be as good as Ishizu or Jii-chan's knowledge, but it was better than nothing. And what place would have what he sought other than Domino's very own 'Nameless Pharaoh' exhibit?

It was eleven in the morning when Yuugi arrived at Domino City Museum. His arms ached from the crutches but it was worth it. The museum had just opened and only a few visitors were inside. 'This is good,' Yuugi thought. He didn't want to attract attention to his venture, this was personal to him and anyone clamoring for his attention was just something he could not deal with right now. Yuugi had to know who Heba was. He had to know about her connection with Atemu.

Finding the exhibit was no issue, it was in the same place it'd always been ever since Ishizu first brought it to the museum. It was still as popular as ever, with hundreds coming through every week, but right now only one other person explored its halls. Yuugi paid the other no heed as he limped in. He looked around and saw the familiar signs dictating where portions of the exhibit were. One pointed straight ahead, showing the path to view the Pharaoh's material possessions. Another took visitors to information about his life in the palace. A third pointed to the sarcophagus.

Yuugi felt a chill run through him as his heart rammed painfully. He'd make sure to steer clear of that area. Yuugi didn't think he could handle it. His lower lip trembled and he looked away. If the sign alone brought out these emotions just imagine the sarcophagus...

'Moving on,' Yuugi told himself, steeling his emotions. 'I will not cry. Atemu is happy in the afterlife. I will not cry.' Yuugi clenched his thin fingers into a fist. 'Focus on why you're here Yuugi!' Not bothering to look at the sign again Yuugi took the fourth path, which pointed towards the hall containing the lives and jobs of the Pharaoh's own servants and slaves. He recalled Heba's position and knew she had to be listed somewhere in this section.

Artifacts of all shapes lined the walls, sitting untouched in glass cases and on pedestals. Portraits hung on the walls, many of slaves serving nobles in various forms but a few were just of the slaves themselves. So far he saw nothing on the slave he was looking for, and it was beginning to dash his hopes. This section wasn't particularly very long and he was nearing the end of it. Yuugi was about to head back and go down the path that described the Pharaoh's life when he stumbled upon the last item in that part of the exhibit.

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