I AM NOT A MORON!!!1! (2)

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Time4Testing has made a new chat: Where is the moron?

[Ready4Science, Time4Testing, BritishCore, BigDipper, IndianaJones, TestSubject1, Sniper101, YNoBullets, ThatHater, WhoRU, VanillaCrazyCake and CurrentEvents434 have joined.]

BritishCore: I AM NOT A MORON!!!
Time4Testing: Aha! There you are.

BritishCore: Crap

YNoBullets: Gotcha! *fires, no bullets* ah crap

BritishCore: haha crap turrets

YNoBullets: :(

[YNoBullets has left the chat.]

Time4Testing: Now it's time to deal with this moron.

BritishCore: I. AM NOT. A MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time4Testing: Yes you are

[AsbestosScience1964 has joined the chat.]

AsbestosScience1964: Who's the moron here?

BritishCore: I AM NOT A MORON!

Time4Testing: him

FactBook123: Wheatley is a moron.

CurrentEvents434: Wheatley has almost destroyed the facility in a giant nuclear meltdown, almost killed GLaDOS and Chell and had almost sucked the facility into space.

AsbestosScience1946: Yep, you're a moron.

BritishCore: I AM NOT- youknowwhat I quit

BigDipper: space

[BritishCore has left the chat.]

AsebestosScience1946: I'm dead.

[AsbestosScience1946 has left the chat.]

BigDipper: space

Time4Testing: This investigation is closed.

[BritishCore has a new status: I AM NOT A MORON!!!]


Time4Testing: Yes you are


BritishCore: Uhhh, ok

BritishCore: BTW who the heck is ThatHater


BritishCore: I give up.

Poor Wheatley! You'll get out of there someday, little buddy! Even if it does take 15  million years. Try not to go insane in the meantime.

Vote, share, and please tell me what you think of it in the comments!! =)

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