love kills chap -13

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❤💥🗯🎐10 months later ........

After there misunderstand they aways listen to other and solve their problem before they sleep. Ahad and ahna love toward each other had no limits . Something was stopping ahna to tell her past to ahad. In this 10 month she got that strangers call and always warn her . She thought she will manage up alone and will not drag ahad into her problem that she doesnt like ahad to get into any problem but to see him happy. She will not do the same mistake with ahad .

Now she have a cute little bump . Yes she is 9 month pregnant. Ahad's and ahna's family was in cloud nine . After the happiness of her being pregnant ,The whole family spend each day as a festival. They would make her eat force fully after every few seconds that she became so fat, her belly got in the way when she tried to look down. She had multiple double-chins. They would not let her even to lift a plate . Everyday amir and ali would visit ahna to meet their unborn nephew.
Ahna wanted to go out and have ice cream she was really carzy. Ahad was really tired he came late at night to home but his crazy wife wants ice cream . He could not refuse to his sunshine even though she was not pregnant he would have not refuse .
He took her to a near by ice cream carnival .Ahad was not at all in a mood to have ice cream but to jump on his softy comfortable bed and close his eyes tightly like if there is no tomorrow. He was so tired.
"Ill just bring it ,you be here."she smiled at him and nodded her head .
While he was leave she shouted his name which made him stop and look back at her.

"Yes what do you want my sunshine"

"I need 4 ice cream" he narrowed his eyes

" only one sunshine"

"No i need atleast 3"


"3 "




"Ok fine both will comprise . I need 2 . This is final"

"Any busband cant win while debating with their wife" he said and left the place.she was standing while rest her body on the car.
After ahad returned back while holding two ice cream corn but her wife was no where .

"Ahna "

"Ahna where are you"

"Ahna ,where are you" ahad shouted but in return no reply.

The road pack with busy people ,parked cars, smell of petrol and traffic jam. Now No signs, no way of knowing where she is . Not even a bird in the road except the light of the ice cream carnival.

He didnt know what to do. He informed his family and he checked every possible place she might go. No sign of her. I kept walking around the road wishing my sunshine was here to occupy the loneliness that was eating me up. The negative thoughts keep coming like waves on rocks. He start pacing around irrationally. The arguments in his head get so fast and so disturbing that his brain shuts down his body. The sweat has completely covered his body and his heart feels like it's going to explode. Only one prayer was continously going in his mind Ya allah keep my wife and kid under you protection.

Fright consumed every cell in ahnas body, swelling them with terror. With every second she practically felt the rise of her blood pressure, but she knew that this was the least of her worries. She only knew one thing that she was kidnapped. A voice ecohed ,the place was consumed with dark that she couldnt see the person but very clear to identify her voice. Her voice could be powerful enough to make your bones feel like they were vibrating.The voice she will not forget. She knew who would make her bright life into nothing and still she has a soft heart to forgive.

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