His Unknown sunshine chap 5

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Oh Allah! protect my heart from being attached to something that will not benefit me in my Akhira Ameen.

No matter whats going on in your life never loose hopes,stay positive in the bad times ,stay humble in good times and always trust Allah.

3 days later. Third person's POV

Ahna is waiting for amir in the mall but he was no where as usual he didnt remember his appointment with ahna or he is upto something.

Ahna is calling him since 1 hour but he is not answering.so she tried to call his friend and then no anwer.
After so many calls she called the receptionist.

"Hello,im ahna can you please connect to Mr. Amir"

"Hold on the line miss"

"Yeah sure"

After few minutes"hello,amir here. who is this"

"You stupid moron can you remmeber that someone is waiting for you and your friends. Im waiting for you more than1 hour in the mall"ahnas out burst made amir jump slighty from the spot.

"Ohhh,clam down princess and im so sorry. You were waiting for me"

"No"ahna almost half yelled.Amir smilled and did not say anything.

"Amirrr...i dont wont to here you silly excuses."

"Enough of your anger today."

"So do you remember"

"Ofcourse princess how will i forget it." Amir lied to ahna and he is making  arragement to suprise her.

"So where are you and your friend now"ahna thought to play innocently.

"im on the way princess."

"So is the receptionist is  inside your car" Amir bit his tongue and slapped his brain for his stupid answer.

"Oh princess .please dont throw question draggers at me and dont confuse me"

"Then for your kind information dont lie to me. Did you get me?"

"Ok mom i understood. Now chill." Amir said and leaned back in his chair.

"Atleast now come fast"

"If you stop blabbering i would have come by now."

"Oh really" ahna said in teasing tone.

"Ok ill be there soon. Allahhaffiz" amir said and she replied back.

Ahna had nothing to do except to drink her brownie hot chocolate.she was wandering around shops and found some black dresses which amir hates but she loves.

After half an hour Amir reached the shop with suprise. Ahna was so interested in drinking her brownie hot choclate she was unaware of her surrounding .someone closed her eye by their hands.

"Who is this" ahna panicked

"Guess "

"OMA guys Your back from dubai "ahna said to her lovely 2 friends. Two girls rouhi and maha and also Ali came with them.

Their friend stood infront of her and the girls embraced ahna in a bone crushing hug where she struggled to breathe

"Leave me i cant breathe "

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