If you mess up ill stab you with a spoon

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I dont know why im giving him another chance.

I mean he rejected me and left me pregnant at 17 with triplets. I mean who does that, seriously.

But I guess the real reason i am giving him another chance is i'm giving him the chance he never gave me.

I hope he will fix his mistakes because I really want the kids to have a father.

Because Hunter is really trying to be a good replacement dad but i mean there not his kids and i dont him to waste his life on us.

So thats why im giving him a chance. At least thats what im trying to convince myself thats what it is.

Alrighty it is backstory time guys, when I was in school I was bullied and no one really liked me. Hunter was really my only friend.

One day this group of girls came up and attacked me. One of them was kicking me in, one was slapping me, and the others were doing any damage they could.

It was in horrible shape by the time Hunter gotten there.  I had multiple broken ribs, a black eye, and i think they broke my arm.

When Hunter saw that i was missing, he looked all over for me. When finally found me and saw what was happening. He rushed in and shoved all the girls away and rushed me to the school nurse. Who was also the pack doctor. she mended my ribs and gave me pain medication and wrapped up my arm. Which apparently was only a sprained wrist.

Since that very day me hunter and i  have been joined at the hip.

We are best friends and i loved him to pieces.

His parents were never home because they were always working. He was basically raised by a nanny.

(Backstory over)

The next day the doorbell rings at around 8:30.

It was Eli and he was holding a beautiful bouquet of daisies and daffodils. With 3 teddy bears for the kids.

He comes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek and puts the flowers in a vase. I had lying on the counter.

Then he looks around and asks.

"Wheres all kids? I got them some toys and there in my car"

"You cant fix the problem with some flowers and toys although it does help a little" I admitted.

No has ever got me anything besides hunter and my parents. So it makes me feel special.

"Im trying okay but, I think we should go out tonight, what do you think? Our first family dinner."

I thought about it for a minute. Well he screwed up majorly. That was a fact.

But he is trying to fix his mistakes and he is are mate so we have to forgive him said my wolf.

Im trying but he hurt us and I cant overlook that but ill try. I say back to her.

okay thats all im asking is for you to try.

"Okay but if you mess up ill stab you with a spoon"

he just chuckles and nods

So we dress the kids. I put Hallie in a red t-shirt and jean overalls. With her cute little black converse.

Then We put the boys in slacks and plaid shirts. Finn is wearing a blue shirt and Cain was wearing a green one.

Then i put on a plain black shirt and some ripped jeans. Eli was wearing black dress pants and a dark blue button up shirt. Then we hop into the  truck and headed out.

The alphas babies(On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن