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These people were worse then you could imagine. This was a pack filled with hate, it was soul purpose was based on the demise of other packs.

All they wanted to do was to make other packs suffer and in the end burn. I had never seen such evil, even in my darkest days.

This pack did things no man or women should ever do. They were the hell to everyones heaven. They squashed every bit of good they found.

When i woke up from my fitful nap, my scenery was different from everything i was used to. It was probably around midnight but i couldn't be to sure. But i knew one thing, they were experienced and they knew how to hide their trail. Because there was no other cars behind us, or anywhere near us for a matter of fact.

The boys were nestled in my arms, quietly snoring. They looked like angels as they slept, the image of pure innocence. The men across from me where the exact opposite. If looks could kill i would have been dead awhile ago.

But the thing is they were all different looking. One had a scruffle with tattoos covering this arms and neck.

The other two were about my age with dark hair and the same dark green eyes.

And i could not see the driver from where i was sitting and didn't want to risk the boys safety if i moved.

All i could do is wait, and of course i was horribly impatient. The car stopped multiple times at various locations, and got gas. But i had no clue where we were or where we were going.

And with that thought i feel alseep with the boys clutched tightly in my arms.

When i woke up, the boys were still in my arms but we were no longer in the suv. I was chained to the floor in what looks like a dungeon.

It was dirty and there was blood stains everywhere. The boys were being squirmy and i let them crawl around the cell against my better judgement. It was all going fine intll a man jumped out and grabbed Finn from his cell, he tried to pull him through the bars.  It looked as if this man had been here for years for he smelled like urine and blood. He had dirt embeded under his nails and his skin was rubbed raw from the chains that encased his feet and hands.

I quickly scrambled over and pulled him away from this man. The other thing i said to him was why? As i tried to calm finn down.

The man simply shook his head and said "i have little time left, and all i wanted to do was hold a little bit of goodness before i die."

He continued after he gave a rough cough that seemed to rock his body.

"I have been tortured and stuck in this cell for 10 years, i haven't seen the light of day since they put me in this damn cell. You better hope that someone comes for you or these beautiful children of yours are doomed. And no one that young should ever have to go through what i did." And with those final words he shuffled back into his dark corner.

And with those words i started to lose hope, this man was kind. Even with all of the crap he has been through he has stayed kind.

The world needs more people like him. I noticed that there was no windows in any of the cells but there was a single door at the end of a hallway that was to my left.

On the right all i could see is darkness so i could only assume it was more cell blocks.

I looked down at my beautiful children and saw there gorgeous eyes staring back at me from my lap. Cain had his thumb in his mouth and was staring all around looking paranoid. While Finn was snuggling into my chest and yawning as if he hasn't been sleeping the whole time.

The gave me the hope i so desperately needed, I had to be strong for them. The boys both yawned and snuggled into me oblivious to how bad of a situation we were in.

So i just hugged them tightly, and then fell asleep again.

When i woke up a man was standing in front of me. I immediately clutched the boys closer to me and pull my knees up closer to me.

The man only amusedly smiled in my direction and backed away from my face. I realized he was one of the boys from the car. He said nothing only stared at me with curiosity and then said a couple words to me.

Words i would never forget.

"Would you like some toast"

♡♡(Just kidding :P) ♡♡

"He wont come for you or your  bastards children, your doomed"


Sorry for the super long wait . Thanks for all the support from all of you. I would like to dedicate this chapter to BonesManic and DeniseWicks-Hawkins They are amazing so go follow them♡.

Hope you guys liked it♡

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The alphas babies(On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant