The not so good reunion

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Its been a week since the encounter with Eli. Ever since then I've been  scared hes gonna try and take the kids from me.

But ill never let that happen.

He will have to drag me kicking and screaming if he ever wants these kids.

But I have been very cautious and me and the kids have been staying inside for the last couple days.

Right now we are playing hide and go seek with Hunter.

Right now we are hiding in our linen closet me and the triplets are on the bottom shelve covered with towels and some on top of us.

He walks past us and says" I wonder where they are?"

We all cant help but loudly giggle. As we peak through the crack in the door we see him. He is looking in all of the cabinets and under the table and chairs.

"Huh? I guess there not here after all."

Then the triplets giggled really loudly and he says"hum." And walks away

But suddenly he runs back and throws open the closet door and looks right at us and says "where are they?"

Then he takes the towels off of us and says "I found you guys." Then he picks up Hallie and starts spinning her around.

Giving my little girl a Marilyn Monroe moment with her dress going up so you can see her diaper.

It was a picture worthy moment. Sometimes I wish that Hunter was my mate, but only sometimes.

But he is like that annoying brother I never had.

We were more like brother and sisters so it would never had worked out.

But never tell him that, I want it to stay the same between us. He is my rock and the only person I can really count on right now.

So we are still laughing and refolding the towels and fixing the closet. And the triplets are playing together on the floor.

When suddenly the doorbell rings. Which surprises me, because we arent expecting someone today. Honestly i have no idea who it is but im to happy to care because i was not thinking about my problems at the moment.

So i go and open the door and who i see on the porch was a bit of a shock.


So my first thought is to slam the door right in his face. Which is exactly what I do. But sadly his foot is in the way of the door.

So he barges right through me like he owns the place and goes in and picks Cain up off the floor.

Of course right when he does that Cain starts crying. Im soothe him and grab the other two and take them too their room. I put them all in their pj's and change their diapers and put them into their cribs. Then I walk down stairs to see Eli and Hunter talking. So I decide to eavesdrop. 

"What are you doing here? you dont deserve her or her kids. So dont even try you should've been there for her. She was terrified, you dont know all of the stuff she had to go through.  You screwed her, got her pregant abs left. Im all she has." Hunter says.i was actually really surprised at this. Hunter really doesn't express his feelings well, he has trouble puting it into words. Or so i thought he did.

"Dont you think I regreted it, I wanted to be there for her. I didn't know even know she was pregnant. I used to be a player, I didnt realize what I had till I lost it. I had a sweet beautiful girl and i lost her and our 3 gorgeous children. I regretted it, I regretted it every damn day so dont keep preaching my mistakes when im trying to fix them."

"Even if she wasnt pregnant you shouldn't have rejected her. She is amazing and your just going to throw her away just like all of the other girls"

"the thing is that she isn't like other girls, and I want her back."

"Thats not your decision to make its her decision. She is kind so she may forgive you, but I will never forget what you did to her. I remember the night she found out she was pregnant. She didnt care that she was, she always wanted a kids. She was scared that you would reject the kids and she wasn't just scared she was terrified. No one should have to go through that at 17."

Eli just remains silent and sort of sits  there with a look of sadness and regret thinking over hunters words.

"When she comes down you will explain why you did it,apologize and tell her what you'll do to fix your unforgivable mistakes."

He just nods at hunter. Then i take that as my cue and walk down the stairs.

"Hunter I put the kids down for a nap can you check on them while I talk to this dickhead?"

He chuckles and nods and walks up the stairs.

"What do you want?" I all about growl at him.

"To explian myself."

"Well get explaining."

"im so sorry for rejecting you and being a dick. I really had no reason for rejecting you expect I was a big player and didn't want to quit my horrible habits."

"All I want is a chance to be apart of their lives and yours. Please i'll make it up to you and be the best mate and father you guys need. Just please give me a chance"

I thought over that for a second and said

"why should I? You never gave me one"

"Because I was a stupid arrogant jerk and didnt realize what I had untill I lost it. please im begging you."

"okay bunny foofoo I give you one more chance" I smirk at him.

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