We say our goodbyes, I get him latched back into his carrier and pull into Paisley at almost 5:00. No sooner than my car passes the main vestibule, Prince exits the building to wait for me.  Uh oh, I think, I wonder how long he's been pacing?  When I step from the car, I brace myself for an interrogation that never comes.  Instead, he meets me happily with a kiss to my cheek as I close the door, "Hey, Sugar, how was your day?"

"It was nice and relaxing," I tell him as he's already dipping into the backseat to retrieve Ramiel from his carrier.  "I hope you don't mind, we swung by the garden shop to see Margaret."

Prince freezes and I see his eyes go into a stare for just an instant before he stands with a smile.  If this really bothered him, he doesn't say, instead he cradles Ramiel and beams at me, "Are we going to hang out here in the parking lot?" he asks with eyes full of humor.  I grab the diaper bag and lead the way into the building.  Normally, Prince opens doors for me, but since he's carrying the baby, I do the honors. 

It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how many times everyone has seen the baby, they still drop whatever they're doing to rush to see him.  This time Kim wins, her robust voice letting everyone know that she has first dibs.   I'm surprised to see her here, then I notice Prince's Afro looks much fuller, with less stray hairs. 

I reach to touch it, Prince play scowls, then smiles, allowing me to touch his hair.  I lean in close to kiss his cheek, "It looks nice."

"I know," he pretends to shape it with his cocky grin, "You're next," he winks.  I nod and smile, I am overdue to get my hair trimmed.  Suddenly, I'm looking forward to sitting back and letting Kim work her magic.   I watch Kim as she baby talks Ramiel, he's fascinated by her. His eyes fixed on her face, he does the tongue pushing and grunts softly which makes me think this is his way of communicating, he's been doing this a lot more lately when we speak to him.   Kim hands him off to Prince, then looks at me, "Let's get you in the chair, Girlie."

"Yes, Ma'am," I say and start to follow her down the hallway.  When I glance back, Prince is hovering near Monica to allow her to get her dose of baby talk in.  No sooner than my hair has been washed, Prince joins us in the salon.  He takes a seat nearby to watch, he looks so relaxed with Ramiel sound asleep in his arms as we all chit chat about anything and everything.   Kim finishes trimming my hair in no time, and after a little more conversation, she says her goodbyes, leaving the three of us in the salon.  

"Are you hungry?" Prince asks. 

"Starving, actually, I only had a banana this morning," I admit as I run my fingers through my hair, wondering what Kim does differently than I do to make my hair look and feel so much better.  

Prince flashes a dissatisfied look into the mirror at me, "You're nursing, remember, you need more than a banana."

I turn to him, cupping my massive breasts, I laugh, "Like I could forget."  When I get a smile from him, I continue, "I know, but I was a bit distracted this morning." 

He grins, "When do you go back to the doctor, anyway?" he asks nonchalantly.  I know that he's noticed that I've returned to regular panties with pads instead of the adult incontinence briefs.

"The end of the month, the 31st."

Prince does little to hide his disappointment, the appointment is more than three weeks away, "Oh." 

There's a noticeable sigh from him, but I pretend I didn't see it, "Is dinner ready?"

"I don't think so, but we could stop by the kitchen and ask," he offers. 

"That's okay, I was just curious because I know Ramiel is going to be hungry soon, I'd rather feed him first."

Instead, we walk down the hallway to the nursery where we relax, talk, and interact with Ramiel until he shows subtle signs of fussiness.  Ramiel, surprisingly, doesn't feed very long, so I get him changed into a clean diaper, and we make our way toward the kitchen.  When I head towards the little kitchen, Prince stops me, "Sugar, we're eating in the dining room."

I fall in step beside him as Monica appears from the direction of Prince's office, "Are you ready for me to take him?"  When Prince nods, I ease Ramiel into her arms, knowing this is something he must have arranged.  

When we pass through the doorway into the dining room, it's only lit by dozens of flickering candles.  Prince, ever the gentleman, pulls my chair out for me to take a seat, but when he removes a wine bottle from the chiller on the table, I look at him, stricken, "I can't have wine!"

He shots me a sour expression, "Now, Sugar, don't you think I know that?  It's non alcoholic wine," he shows me the label.

When two glasses are poured, we test it, both our faces register delight, "It's really pretty good," I admit.

"It is."  He takes another sip, before setting down his glass, "I'll be right back, Baby," he kisses my cheek before heading into the kitchen area.  

Shortly after he returns, Ray begins our meal with a salad, that gets followed by the main course, and lastly, a small, but very rich chocolate dessert.  Prince is highly attentive, our conversation is animated, and his intense stare often makes me blush.  If it wasn't for the fact that a majority of our conversation revolved around our newborn, it felt as if he were courting me. 

Just as I am thanking him with a kiss for the romantic, quiet dinner together, a soft knock comes from the doorway. Monica is standing apologetically at the door, pretending like she didn't see the kiss, "Um, I'm sorry to bother you two, but," she stops when I nod knowingly, and scoot my chair out.

Prince stops me, "I'll go get him, Sugar, get comfortable," he indicates a small settee near the corner of the room.  Staying in the candle lit dining room appeals to me, so I carry my 'wine' with me and prepare the top of my dress while I wait. Prince enters quickly, trying his best to soothe an obviously hungry Ramiel with hushed words.  I take him from Prince, no sooner than I get him in position on the decorative pillow, his fussing stops as he latches and begins to nurse hungrily.  He feeds with such vigor that we have to snicker at his tiny grunts of effort, "Wow," Prince says as he watches and moves to sit close beside me on the settee.  

I laugh, "I'm not surprised, he didn't nurse very long the last time

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I laugh, "I'm not surprised, he didn't nurse very long the last time."

Prince's eyes move between our child and my face, he looks contemplative, "What?" I mouth. 

He shakes his head, "I thought I knew what love was," he pauses, "I had no idea, it gets stronger everyday."

When I lean my head towards him, he rests his against mine. "Somehow, I know exactly what you mean," I say as we watch Ramiel's feeding slow to a normal relaxed pace.  We stare at our creation, talking quietly, and Ramiel eventually drifts off to sleep with a full belly. 

Prince follows me to the car, making sure we're both loaded safely, "I'll be right behind you, Sugar," he smiles.  Sure enough, halfway home, I see the Bentley appear in my rear view mirror, it's my turn to smile.

Forever In My LIFE  (Book 4) 2nd AlternateWhere stories live. Discover now