I walked into my room, my gym bag strap holding my towel that was draped across my shoulders in place. I kicked my flip flops off beside the door as I walked past the bathroom.

I nearly jumped when the bed and and dresser with the Tv on it came into view. Shawn was sitting there staring at the tv that barely had any sound coming from it. He seemed to be in a trance. I dropped my bag on the ground hopping he would snap out of it. He was already dressed for tonight's show, so I could see his muscles tense through the back of his button up shirt.

He turned around, skin almost transparent with lack of pigment. I rushed over to him and felt his forehead with my wrist. His skin was almost too hot to touch. Now being closer, I could see the beads of sweat slowly building up on his forehead.

"Wait here," I said, walking into the bathroom. I turned the water on and wet two wash clothes. I took out my phone and called Lilly.

"Mer, what's up?" I walked out of the bathroom with the two washcloths. Shawn was curled up in a ball on the bed.

"We have a problem," I said sitting beside Shawn. I folded one of the wash clothes and put it on his forehead. "Im going to take your shirt off, okay?" I whispered at Shawn and he nodded. I put the phone between my shoulder and ear so I would have both of my hands few

"That's doesn't sound good." She said.

"It isn't. I think Shawn has the flu." I said, unbuttoning his shirt. I helped him sit up so I could take the shirt of his arms.

"I don't have the flu." He said, his voice about two octaves deeper.

"Don't listen to him. I have four younger siblings, he had the flu." I said to lily while helping Shawn lay back down and placing the second washcloth on his chest.

"Alright. Well you seem like you have everything on that end handled, I figure what to do about the show tonight. I'll have someone bring so medicine and stuff by. Don't let anyone else in the room, you've already been exposed but no one else needs to get sick. I'll text you with an update." She said and hung up the phone.

I put my phone on the bedside table and looked at Shawn. "I think I have a thermometer in my bag. I'll be back," I said going to stand up. Shawn grabbed my arm and I looked back at him.

"Don't leave." He said, looking like a child. I looked at him with a half smile and walked over to my medicine bag. I looked through it and found the thermometer.

"Open up," I said clicking the button. I played with Shawn's hair as we waited for it to beep.

I took it out of his mouth and sighed. He definitely had a fever.

"See, I told you I'm fine." He said trying to sit up. "We've got to get to the show."

"We're not going anywhere Shawn. You're sick." I said lightly pushing him back down on the bed. It was then I remembered I was still in my bathing suit.

"I've got to take a shower. Don't even think about getting up or trying to leave." He nodded and I walked away grabbing some clothes and my phone before walking into the bathroom.

Me: Shawn's got the flu. I have to take a shower. Will you sit outside the door to make sure he doesn't try to leave?
Charlie 😋 u want me 2 just come in and watch him.
Me: Lilly said no one comes in. I'll knock on the door when you can go back to your room.

I turned my music on and stepped in the shower. I hurried as quickly as I could. My hair took a little longer because of the chlorine from the pool along with sweat from working out.

I quickly dried off and put lotion on before putting on the clothes I brought with me. I stepped out of the bathroom while I was running my hand through my hair. I knocked a couple times on the door so Charlie would know that he was good to go back to his and Shawn's room. Although now I guess that this is Shawn's room. Speaking of, he doesn't have anything to sleep in in here.

Me: Char, one more thing and I'll leave you alone. Shawn needs pajamas.
Charlie 😋 already one step ahead of u. They r in front of the door.
Me: thanks! (Don't think I've forgotten about your terrible grammar, I'm just not in the mood to deal with it right now)
Charlie 😛 haha

I opened the door and grabbed the clothes, closing the door a quietly as I could in case Shawn was asleep.

When I walked back over to the bed area, Shawn was sitting in the edge of the bed, tying his shoes. I sighed and sat down in front of him.

"Shawn. Listen, you can't get better if you try and strain yourself."

"But, I can't cancel the show. They'll hate me." He said laying his head on top of mine.

"They're not going to hate you. You're girlfriend, however, will hate you if you don't listen to her." It just slipped out of my mouth, I didn't mean for it to happen. Shawn lifted his head off of mine and looked at me, smirking.

"Girlfriend? I don't think I have one of those." He said smiling. "I mean I would but she avoided me all day which is probably the reason I got sick. Loneliness"

"You don't get the flu from loneliness, and I wasn't avoiding you." I said standing up and grabbing the remote. "Can you get your pajamas on by yourself?" I asked standing in front of him. He nodded and went to stand up.

I had to help him catch his balance, I'm assuming he was dizzy. "Maybe not." He said laughing a little.

I helped him out of his skinny jeans and into the sweatpants Charlie brought over for him. After, I helped him turn around in the bed and get comfortable. Just as I was about to get in the bed beside him, there was a knock on the door. It was probably Lilly with the medicine.

I walked over to look in the peep hole and I was right. I opened the door and she handed me the bag, quickly running away so she wouldn't get sick. I rolled my eyes at her childish ways and looked through the bag.

"Okay, I need you to sit up one more time and then I'll leave you alone, I promise." I said grabbing a bottle of water and sitting in the edge is the bed. I took out a fever reducer, Mucinex, and a tamiflu out of their boxes and handed them to Shawn so he could take them.

I laid the bag of medicine on the floor before climbing over Shawn into the other side of the bed. As soon as I got comfortable, Shawn completely cuddled his whole 6'2 body unto my 5'4 one. His head was on my chest and his arms were around my waist, which I don't see how it was possible because he had he legs pulled into his chest. His knees were in my ribs, but he was comfortable so I didn't want to bother him.

Soon enough he was asleep and I was on my way to joining him.



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