Tea Party

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Sweets, you've never seen so many sweets in your life. Pastries, varieties of candies, chocolates. All of their smells combined wafted in the room. All their colors combined brings more life to his strangely childish looking room. You smile. Everything around you from the food laid out to the decoration adorning the area seems a little too much. But that's not what's important. Either way it looked so simple. You smile again, this time wider as your eyes landed on the purple haired  sipping his sweetened tea before you. Happy Birthday, you, you chanted endlessly through your head. Like a song. "Y/n?." Your name slipped out of his mouth. You hum in response, attention already on him. "Teddy's so happy you are here." Kanato says, looking down on the toy in his lap and running his fingertips along its soft arm. Then his eyes flick up to yours, meeting with your own. "He's never been so happy in all his tea parties." Your heart melt, very much like a melted sweet. He's done it yet again, thanking you. He's so grateful that he takes his time to stop every once in a while to tell you the same heartwarming speeches. What's sweeter is Kanato isn't just expressing it by word but also by action. All through out the entire time he held your hand in his. The purple haired was so glad the table is small enough so it is easy for him to reach you, tuck a loose strand of your hair, wipe a frosting just above your lip. For Kanato it was personally his best birthday ever, and every day with you is the best.  You squeezed his hand you didn't know he was still holding, smiled softly. "How about you?." You asked him, neither of you breaking your gaze. "More than happy," he rubbed h is thumb across your hand. And he was. Kanato was as he stayed up all night celebrating his birthday with you.


Haaappppyyy Birrtthhhddaaaay Kanato!!! Oh god i don't know what to say. I love this guy so much I don't know what to say. Don't tell Laito I've got another husband aside from him shh! hahaha! Yes, Kanato is also one of my baes. I have like... 6 baes and Kanato is one of them. Happy Birthday bipolar husband <3 i love you to the moon and back and raaahh I'm so in love with you. Best wishes Kanato! you and your other triplets

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