CH 30

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Samanthas POV:

After Megan walked away from me, i ran back to my cabin and threw open my closet doors. i am looking for something that is fiesty and sexy. im going to get Megan. it may not be as the way i planned, stealing Taylor, butill steal the next best thing, her brother.

i pull out a black and red super tight romper, and my black stilettoes, i pull on the clothes and walk into my bathroom.

i rub off my makeup and applu a heavy coat of eyeliner and smoky eyeshadow. i put on concealer and mascara. after, i pull my jet black hair from its ponytail, and straighten it.

after, i walk down to Camerons room and knock on the door.

"who is it?" he asks through the closed door

"Samantha" i say sweetly

"one sec!" i hear the chain being removed and he opens the door

"how may--whoa" he says as he takes in my appearance

hi, im looking for Nash?" i smile, flicking my hair over my shoulder

"hes umm in the next room over" he gulps

"thanks" i say, as he closes the door.

i walk over to the next room and knock

"coming!" i hear someone yell

"whaddup" a boy, with deep blue eyes opens the door.

i havent exactly met Nash before, but damn he is fine

"oh umm hi, are you Nash" i say shyly

"yeah, who are you?" he asks

"im samantha, im lost, can you help me?" i say, makinjg puppy eyes

"sure, come on in and we can call your mom" he smiles, opening the door, allowing me inside

Too fucking easy

i turn around and smile flirtatiously at him

"do you have a phone?" he asks

i nod and hand him my phone

he sits on the couch and beckons me over

"thank you" i say softly

"how old are you?" he asks scrolling through my contacts

"17, you?" i reply, watching him closely

"16" he says not looking away from the screen

"well i appreciate you helping me" i smile

this boy is so guilible

"its nothing" he looks at me.

 i stare into his deep blue eyes and see him glancing from my lips, to my eyes

"you can kiss me if you want to" i smirk

he nods and slowly leans in, i meet him halfway and our lips connect

at first it was slow and sweet and then, his tounge cam sweeping across my bottom lip

i open my mouth,granting access and i snake my arms around his neck

after about 5 minutes, the door swings open, revealing Taylor


"Hey Nash---Samantha?!" he exclaims

"you know Samantha?" Nash asks

"Yeah, shes my ex" he growls crossing his arms

"What?" Nash looks at me with sad eyes

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