CH 6

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Megans POV:

The next morning, I woke up to the guys sitting around my bed, smiling really weird.

"What do you fucktards want this early in the damn morning?" I yawn sitting up.

"We're having a silly string war, and your our next victim" Matt explains

"Shit" I say jumping up and running to Nash's room for safety

"Get her!!!" I hear Aaron yell

As soon as I reach Nash's room, I run in and lock the door.

"What brings you here?" Nash asks from his bed

"The guys are gonna spray me with silly string!" I say just as the door opens, revealing 10 idiots.

"Get her!" Jacob yells running toward me

"Agh Jacob you fucktard put me down!" I yell as he throws me over his shoulder

"Shh I'm on your team" he whispers running to his room with me, still over his shoulder.

Once we get inside his room, I see that he was, lying about being on my team.

"Shit!" I scream as they begin to spray me with silly string.

"Oh my God stop!" I laugh

"Never!" Jack J yells,spraying me more

After about five minutes, their all out silly string.

"Well I'm gunna go shower" I say skipping to my room.

After i shower, shave, and brush my teeth, I get dressed. I pull on a Cameron Dallas shirt, my other pair of high waisted shorts, my black Vans, and my white beanie.

Today, i just wear my hair down and as usual, no makeup.

After I'm dressed, i head down to starbucks and get a muffin and a mocha frappécino

Once im done, I head back upstairs and go to Taylors room.

I walk in and see he's still asleep. I decide to let him sleep and I go to Shawns room.

"Yo sup Mendes?!" I yell walking in his room.

"Nothing just bored. Can I have some of your Starbucks?" He asks referring to my frap.

"Sure, finish it, im done" I say handing the almost full cup

"Thanks!" He says drinking it

"Welcome" I say sitting on his bed.

"So what are you doing today?" He asks sitting across from me on the spare bed.

"Nothing really, I was probably going to go to the beach later" I say

"Nice, well me and the guys are going out to see a movie and then to dinner if you wanna come?" He asks

"Sure what time?" I ask

"Umm probably 6:30" he replies

"Okay. Well im gonna go get ready for my day at the beach" I say walking back to my room.

Once im back, I pull out my bathing suit. Its a brown and white bikini.

I slip off my clothes and pull on the bathing suit.

I throw my beanie on my bed and tuck my hair into a messy bun. Then I pull on a pair of flip flops and grab my sunglasses.

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself.

After I walk out of the room and run into Taylor.

Fuck hes shirtless again.

"Going somewhere?" He teases.

"Yeah, the beach" I say adjusting my towel.

"Can I come?" He smirks

"No" I say pushing past him.

"Ill see you later!" He yells as i run down the hall, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

While I'm at the beach, I run into Cam.

"Hey Grier what's up?" He smirks

"Umm nothing really." I say sitting on my towel.

"We got you good this morning." He laughs

"Yeah you did!" I laugh

"Well the rest of the guys are over there if you wanna come hang with us?" He says pointing to where 10 guys are playing volleyball.

"Erm no thanks ill stay here" i say laying down

"Okay see ya" he says running back to the guys

After about an hour of tanning, i decide to go back up to the hotelroom.

When i get in my room, I shower again, and redress myself in my clothes from earlier.

I go out on the balcony and watch the guys run around on the beach.

At around. 4, the guys come back upstairs.

By 6:30, we are all at the movie theater.

After alot of arguing, we decide to see Divergent.


After the movie ends, its 8:30 so we decide to get pizza and head back to the hotel.

Once we get back to the hotel, I go directly to my room.

I've been avoiding Taylor all day. And thats because he saw me so, weak and vulnerable last night. He's never seen me that way and its embarrassing.

But around 11, he walks on into my room, shirtless.

"Hey, is something wrong?" He asks sitting next to me on the bed.

"No" i lie.

"Stop lying. I may be your boyfriend but I'm sti your best friend. And you can tell,me anything." He says calmingly

"Nothings wrong" i urge

"Yes there is, i know when your lying" he smirks.

"Fine! I'm embarrassed you saw me all weak and vulnerable last night. The only people who ever see me cry is my mom, Hayes , and Nash. No one else" I say quietly.

"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means you have emotions." He sighs

"Yea, but its embarrassing for you to see me that way" I whine

"Well I thought it was cute how you needed me to calm you down" he smirks

"I was suprised when you came in thers and not my brother" I confess

"Well I care about you, and I just wanted tp help" he whispers.

"Thanks, I Care about you too" I laugh

"I knew that already" he says kissing my cheek

"And, don't be afraid to my room if your afraid" he adds

"Ok. Can you sleep in here, with me tonight?" I ask

"of course" he says laying down.

"Ill be right back I'm gunna go change" i say walking into the bathroom

"Kay" he says

Once im in the bathroom, I change into my pajamas, and brush my teeth.

When i return to bed, Taylor wraps his arms around me and falls asleep.

"Goodnight" I whisper as i peck his ls and fall asleep as well.

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